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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. I agree with Batmom: whatever she does well on.
  2. FWIW: I've had four kidney dogs in the last couple of years. Three of the four had the discharge, at least part of the time. The worst was Jessie. We could sometimes clear it up with antibiotics, but it would recur. The vet tried flushing her out, and that made it much worse. We stopped treating her. I wiped her with a baby wipe after she urinated (or when we got home for a walk), and otherwise just cleaned up after her. I'm hoping someone else has found a better solution both for you, and for my remaining kidney girls. ETA: I've also found that my kidney dogs have had very leaky eyes. I mentioned both the discharge and the eye leaks to my vet, and she thought it was more related to the immune system than the kidneys per se. Again, it would be interesting to know if someone else has a better answer.
  3. GreyPoopon

    Unka Lee

    Lori, I'm so very sorry that you lost your good friend Unka Lee. I'm sure he's waiting at the bridge with your houndie angels. Godspeed Unka Lee.
  4. I'm so very sorry. Your precious momma dog left much too soon. Godspeed Princess Molly.
  5. With Jessie, we used Benazepril (a heart drug used for kidneys), Renal Advanced (a probiotic), a multi-vitamin, Zantac (she was vomiting a lot), sub-q fluids (weekly at first, and increasing in frequency to daily at the end), and, when her appetite disappeared, anabolic steroids. She couldn't eat the usual kidney diet, but I found an alternative. When she decided not to eat that, my vet said I should feed her what she would eat. She was 13 when diagnosed and lasted over a year. I have two more kidney dogs now, one grey and one non. Both are on Benazepril and Renal Advanced, one on Zantac and the other on steroids. Both are already being fed whatever they'll eat. Both are 15. There are a lot of things you can try putting on your boy's food to help him eat, like grated cheese (parmesan), ground up beef liver, broth (be careful of the other ingredients), a bit of canned meat, and so on. Dogs with kidney disease don't tend to last a long time, but some--like Jessie--do fairly well. It's good that you caught it early.
  6. GreyPoopon

    Widow Wallace

    I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Widow.
  7. I'm so very sorry. Your gentle gentleman was much too young to have to go. Godspeed Freeman.
  8. I'm so very sorry. Your precious happy boy left much too soon. I'm glad you told us about him. Godspeed Kowalla.
  9. What a pretty girl! Congratulations! Senior broodies are the best.
  10. I'm so very sorry. I'm glad his daddy could be with him at the end. Godspeed EZ.
  11. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Phoenix.
  12. I'm so very sorry. He had to leave much too soon. Godspeed Lucas.
  13. I'm so very sorry. She was a lovely girl. Godspeed Maya.
  14. He's very cute. I'm with OwnedBySummer on the snow. It's too early for us wimps here in Southern Ontario.
  15. Congratulations! She's a great looking girl. I'm glad she's fitting in so well with Brady.
  16. Congratulations! I hope he proves to be the perfect therapy dog.
  17. Congratulations! FWIW, I have squirrel hunters that are fine with cats. They've also learned not to rip my arm out when they see a squirrel.
  18. GreyPoopon


    I'm so very sorry. He was handsome as well as sweet. Godspeed Tex.
  19. I'm so very sorry. He was a special boy. Godspeed Scout.
  20. GreyPoopon


    I'm so very sorry. He was much too young. Godspeed Shadow.
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