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Everything posted by Hubcitypam

  1. Some trainers feed marshmallows as treats. talentedmrripley who was a GHOF greeter loved Twinkies. Human hot dogs - also liverwurst if you'll eat it too.
  2. With Rex high value changed daily - hot dogs, cheese,Vienna sausage, cat treats, freeze dried liver, Smaller bites are best.
  3. When I had greys I used a "The Claw" scoop. and 5 gallon bucket. double bagged and put it in the trash. Doggy Dooleys do not wok here because of the black clay soil. If you have the budget get neighborhood papers and find a scooper. I am the biggest dog door fan in the world but have no experience with the sliding door sort. My 80 pound greys went fine through an 8 x 12 flap installed in a solid door but I had the rise at 10 -12 inches. Just a thought. If you have smart cats they can watch learn and figure out how to go out between the dogs legs as it exits. I had an adopter who's ferret did that.
  4. I used Natural Balance Ultra Light. Their Fat Dog will also work.
  5. Hubcitypam


    From the album: poo and greys

  6. Exactly what Mary Jane said. Poodle had the "halloween cat" back arching and vomiting.
  7. OTCs are a wide and varied lot as far as anxiety. With Rescue Remedy 90% of people vastly under dose because of the squirrely slanted dropper and some have read to put it in water, NOT. I had a friend that had no luck at all with both the DAP collar and plug in but when she used them at the same time it was magic. . Never heard of a probiotic working on anxiety but would be interested to know how that works. Every soul is different. Trazadone (even at a low dose) made both my sister and me zombies.
  8. Word on some sites is that the mystery woman was fined $700 by the state of WI. No one says if the dog was in a car or flown in (more believable). I have flown rescue dogs into O'Hare and Newark. They were accompanied with complete shot and vet records. At DFW no one looked at the paperwork (complete vaccination and vet records). They just made sure we weren't hiding contraband in the crate and did a look see to make sure the dogs weren't drugged. When Bella landed at O'Hare her adoptive parents were told she was "by the golf clubs". They got her out of the crate, put her leash on her and walked out. No one even asked for the equivalent of a baggage claim tag on a suitcase. I have several greyhound rescue friends in NM. IL and IN. After talking to them they all said they had never seen nor been asked for a CVI. All dogs are transported with up to date vet records and proof of vaccination. In several hundred events there hasn't been a peep.
  9. I had OK results on two smalls with Comfy Cone. They didn't mind at all and it was easy to sleep in but it blocks their side vision. Got mine at Petco. https://allfourpaws.com/
  10. Hubcitypam

    comfy cone

    From the album: poo and greys

  11. It must be new. I've driven hundreds of dog across borders, in TX, OK, KS, NM, MO and IL. I was even stopped for speeding by the Kansas Highway Patrol because I was trying to get Buck to a costume contest in Abilene. He said I had the best excuse ever and let me go. Never even looked at Bucks Rabies tag. I know Greyhounds Unlimited takes dogs back and forth to WI all the time. I'll ask tonight if they take vet certificates with. The only way I can think of getting busted is if you were stopped at an official livestock and poultry inspection station which I have seen a few times especially near the TX/MX border. I had written this before your last and was waiting to hear from IL.
  12. Sunshine Mills makes a ton of different foods. Something similar happened about ten years ago with melmaine (sp) from China.
  13. Yes - I was expecting a greyhound. Those eyes! Good for you..and him. I had a cat that liked to sleep in the sink for some unknown reason. He looks kind of Main Coonish.
  14. Here out of long habit the word is "scooch a poodle". They all learn it... along with "go to sparkle spot" (from Barkley ).
  15. ..of course there was the woman that posted on this forum that she had not been in the bathroom alone since 1987. They evidently think you are going to escape out the widow.
  16. Many HW positive dogs live for years. I have been told a zillion times if you can prove that you bought the HW preventive from you vet and your dog gets them the company will pay for treatment I lost my Buddy to Lymphoma. It is fast and furious. Brace yourself and I am so sorry.
  17. Hubcitypam


    Wobbin - look at the names of all who are hugging you. It is a roll call of the old guard.
  18. When I had a foster that needed to be confined we were able to rig up an ex-pen across the two doorways with bungee cords and cup hooks (clear as mud?) and keep him in the bathroom and hallway. Just a thought.
  19. Sorry but I m a BIG non believer in ignoring dogs and shouting shut up. They are telling you something. Maggie barks at one EMT vechicle but not the others...sometimes at the train if the engineer is heavy on the whistle and at any strangers in the alley. I quit Petco as trainer as the lead trainer advised locking puppies in a crate in the bathroom and ignoring them all night. To me that was like walking your kid to a shed in the yard and telling them good night while you go back to the company of your spouse. How many bedrooms are upstairs? Is there one you could dog proof and baby gate/ex-pen off? If they can't sleep in your bedroom they might just want to be near.
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