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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. I don't have regular access to the Internet at the moment, so just read this entire thread now. So, so glad your sweet boy is home - the first few days are always the hardest - soon you'll both have the routine down and Comet will also start feeling better.
  2. Just seeing this Robin. No advice to add, just hope Phoenix feels better soon.
  3. Thanks everyone. I've been giving it after dinner, so effectively with food. She doesn't get dairy and her supplements are in the morning so I think we're good.
  4. Toni - too funny! I read your reply to my husband. Arlie is blushing but thanks Get Em for his tender regards.
  5. No literature - your basic snap-top pill container. I did check the Baytril site - saw nothing. I know some antibiotics like Clavamox should be given with food. In the absence of direction I am guessing it doesn't matter but was hoping someone might have a definitive answer. Thanks Heather,
  6. Arlie was prescribed Baytril today. I forgot to ask, and the clinic is now closed - is this an antibiotic to be given with food or between meals? Thank you!!
  7. Thank you - I used to give Arlie Missing Link, then changed over to omega-rich supplements. Sounds like we should revert to Missing Link.
  8. Arlie has had anal gland issues for some time. She needs to have them expressed regularly or she ruptures - she just can't empty them on her own. This past week when we took her in, the vet couldn't express the one on the right side in the usual way because there was no opening. She (the vet) had to create an opening to do it. No infection, but an unusual situation - as if Arlie's skin had grown over the opening. This is not our usual vet, but she's from Australia and has worked as a track vet - she has a ton of GH experience. She said she's never encountered this situation before. I was given Panalog and told to clean and treat the area twice daily until our recheck (which will include the examining vet plus our regular vet) on Monday (tomorrow). Has anyone had any experience with something similar?
  9. Welcome home beautiful Jessie. Sent by angels on earth and above.
  10. Heather, I am so sorry. May you and Haley have many days to cherish each other.
  11. Just seeing this. Dot's mouth will feel much better soon, hopefully your head will too!
  12. What a special girl, with love overflowing. I am so sorry for your loss of Bay.
  13. Rickiesmom


    A beautiful tribute to a very special, gentle soul and his bestest friend. Godspeed Larry.
  14. This brought tears to my eyes. Wonderful update!
  15. Happy 15th Loca. I am sure by now the term Bridge Angel has been redefined thanks to you!
  16. My heart is breaking for you. I am so, so sorry. You and Larry will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.
  17. I can't remember if this has been suggested before, but perhaps some very gentle chiropractic / acupuncture might help? Sending renewed prayers for your sweet Larry.
  18. Wow, he really does bleed easily! But still, overwhelmingly good news. Hopefully you get the blood results back tomorrow. all normal.
  19. This kind of update makes my heart sing! Sending ongoing good thoughts for Larry's continued recovery - you are such a good mom.
  20. Glad he's feeling better Janet - will be watching for a post-vet update.
  21. Just checking in to see how Deeni is doing today.
  22. My senior whippet is on Wellness Core Reduced Fat. It has good ingredients and low phosporus and a couple other things I can`t recall right now that need to be controlled especially in senior hounds.
  23. Just seeing this and very glad Larry is showing signs of improvement !!
  24. Just checking in Janet. Why oh why do these things happen at the start of a long weekend. Hope Jake looks better this morning!
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