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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Good girl Deeni and good job Mom! Keep feeling better sweet girl - your mom is with you making sure you have everything you need, every step of the way. With that wind in your sails, you should continue to heal well.
  2. No ideas Janet, but I hope this starts to clear up soon. I can imagine how worried you are. If you need him seen down here you know you can stay with us.
  3. What a wonderful update. And your girlie will be so much happier at home - love, food, healing sleep - all will speed her recovery. Great big and to both of you.
  4. Janet, just seeing this. Glad it's something "simple", glad he's starting to eat again.
  5. This is our collective worst nightmare. Sending prayers your girl stabilizes soon.
  6. Rickiesmom


    What a beautiful face. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  7. Great news Robin! You must be so relieved!
  8. This update makes a heart glad Claudia! Ekko, you go girl!
  9. Claudia, these are wonderfully encouraging updates! I am so happy for you and for Ekko - keep on getting better fuzzy girl!
  10. I am so sorry for your loss of such a special Angel.
  11. Claudia, just saw this - how is Ekko doing today? We have her close in thought and prayer.
  12. Arlie eats Orijen regional red - it costs $85 for a large bag plus, in Ontario, 13% tax. I don't have the packaging anymore but I think "large" is around 20 lbs.
  13. Sounds like Jonah is just fine. Breathe easy and enjoy!
  14. FWIW, and this is quite different from Legs' symptoms: Several years ago my whippet Rickie suddenly started to scream any time he went up a step; nothing else bothered him; we saw several specialists, including, finally, a neurologist who had a lot of experience and who had owned Salukis. We did an MRI which showned nothing. She said she had once encountered something similar that turned out to be a ligament injury. So while she couldn't pinpoint Rickie's problem, she opted to recommend a plan based on symptoms - similar to your vet - leash walks, no stairs, give it time. It's long enough ago that I can't recall how long it took, but indeed the problem cleared up and has not returned. is there any sign of flinching anywhere when Legs air-snaps? I had a hound do this when she had some tight muscles - you could induce it if you ran your hands down her in a certain way - massage and extremely gentle chiropractic cleared it up. Again, this may be tangential to what you are encountering with Legs. We have all fingers and paws crossed here that someone will find the answer, and it will be simple.
  15. Just seeing this - so happy your sweetie has something treatable!!
  16. Evidently his former "family" was deaf and blind. Welcome home Jonah, where you deserve to be, and will be shown so at every opportunity.
  17. Just checking in - hope Ollie and all of you had a restful night.
  18. Thank goodness Ollie seems to be feeling better. Continued good thoughts for him and all of you!
  19. Robin, I am just catching up on all this - sending healing thoughts for Ollie. I will be glued to this thread for updates.
  20. Hoping for Friday and something easy. Huge hugs to you Lucy, and to the handsome Legs!
  21. What a wonderful picture you have painted of a very special hound. I am so sorry for your loss.
  22. Rickiesmom


    I am so sorry for your loss - one can only imagine the bond with this girl you fought so hard for.
  23. Godspeed pretty girl. Nancy, I am so sorry.
  24. Karen, I am so grateful that I was able to spend a little time with Romi, such a truly special hound at so many levels. I think the photo of Romi and the ferret should be printed and made available as a fundraiser - a precious, smile-inducing, perfectly captured moment. Huge hugs to you my friend.
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