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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Patti and Fred I am so very sorry. Cody Angelo got you through some really tough times, I'm betting that his sisters were very happy to see him.
  2. Patti I am so sorry. Praying that your little man does well and you get to bring him home tonight. Stay positive, this may not be as bad as you are thinking. Sending many hugs your way, email me if you want me to call. Love Janet and the gang
  3. Dr Couto was asked about the risk for white hounds and skin cancer. His answer is that there is a higher incidence of skin cancer in black hounds.
  4. Suzie, I am so sorry. You know I loved Sonny, he was a wonderful boy. I have some very special memories from my visit. Godspeed Sonny, you were loved very much.
  5. Keep fighting Bonnie girl. Give Dr Couto a hug for me.
  6. My sentiments exactly. I am thrilled for Loca and Dr Couto
  7. The newsletter is available online. Here
  8. I read that last week. Some good info, I really like the idea of a fine needle aspiration rather than a bone biopsy. Something to keep in mind if you are ever faced with the need.
  9. That's great news Mare. I hear you on the packed snow, it really is time for it to just go away.
  10. Carol Ann please pass on my prayers and positive thoughts.
  11. Suzy I'm so sorry. I'm grateful I had a chance to meet her. Godspeed Lizzie
  12. Hope she heals quickly. Did he say if it was bacterial or viral? Be really careful and wash your hands after touching her, conjuctivitis is very contagious.
  13. Mine shed a lot in the fall. I can't say I've noticed them shed more than normal in the spring.
  14. Poor guy just cannot catch a break. I use traumeel on things like this. Did the vet give you any indication what the aspiration fluid was like?
  15. Oh Robin what a rollercoaster you've been on. I heard the initial diagnosis when I first got to Sandy Paws and my heart sank. All week since getting back I've been on pins and needles waiting to hear this news. It's sounding better and better. Lots of hugs heading your way, gentle though because of your boo boo arm.
  16. Oy! Keeping Trouble quieter will be fun! Poor girlie, give her a kiss for me and tell her to behave.
  17. At his seminar Dr Couto said most greyhounds have a lower thyroid number than other breeds. He feels many greyhounds are on meds they don't need for thyroid issues. You could send OSU the blood work numbers and get their opionion. greyosu@osu.edu
  18. Because he is on the road so much lecturing, he suggests using the one I posted above. That email is monitored 24 hrs by the Greyhound Wellness Team, so someone will get back to you asap.
  19. Diane, I was waiting to talk to you when I see you. But wanted to let you know I'm praying. Mahogany honey eat!!!! Wouldn't be surprised that Magic is whispering in her ear "hold out for WalMart chicken"
  20. Take a deep breath and concentrate on getting him healed up. Foxy had hemangiopericytoma with no clear margins. I was devastated at the news, but at 3 plus years post surgery she has had no re growth and not mets. Contact Dr Couto., he offered us a treatment if it did return. Of all the cancers this one causes me the least concern. If you need anything, let me know please.
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