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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am glad to see him home! I hope you have a lot of good times ahead.
  2. Not sure what your availability is in UK, but CBD oil has helped Conner with fireworks. Less so with thunder, but it helps some. He also gets a Xanax. I have not tried Maxxicalm.
  3. I agree with keeping on with his regular food. If you want to add more food to try and keep the weight up, more smaller meals. Extra treats and/or add ins, lean protein is best, whatever he likes.
  4. Yes, it treats the symptoms, not the cause. It is good for things like arthritis which have no cure, but you should always consult your vet for the underlying cause of the pain (or other symptoms) Also, while it seems fine for most dogs, like anything else, some individuals can have negative reactions, another reason to have your vet on board.
  5. I have been giving Conner CBD oil for his fear of thunder and fireworks. It definitely helps (works better for fireworks than thunder ) I have recently started giving it daily for his arthritis and pain in his bad foot (old injury) at his vet's recommendation. He is feeling better, but I started the oil at the same time as other treatments, so I can't say for sure how much is the oil, how much the other things.
  6. I have no real advice, just Anything with a mass on the spleen or fluid in the abdomen scares me, hope it isn’t that bad.
  7. Things can change over time as well, or maybe you just discover something. I thought Val loved everyone. I mean, she gets excited when the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door, thinks they have come to see her But, I recently discovered that she doesn't like/is afraid of small children. Older kids are fine, but little ones she wants no part of. Who knew? She has been with me for three years.
  8. I think most greyhounds are used to people and don't have a problem with strangers coming up and start petting on them, so the other greyhound owners may think your dog is "typical" Never the less, no one should come up to a strange dog and start rubbing their head/ears! There are plenty of greys out there, like yours, who do not particularly like being handled by strangers. Good luck in educating the people
  9. Not all dogs need/want to go right after eating, but some do. My first greyhound had a few "accidents" in the house until I learned that she was one of those who wants to go out immediately after eating. She wouldn't always go, but often she did, and once I started letting her out right away, she never peed in the house again. At only two weeks, you are both still learning each others schedules
  10. I am so sorry you have lost your wonderful little girl Conner and Val will get a special treat and I will tell them it is for Star
  11. My two would eat anything that was topped with sardines. Well, Conner would eat just about anything anyway I usually split a can between the two of them.
  12. I am so sorry, what a beautiful little girl
  13. I am so sorry she didn’t have more time with you, but I know you made the most of the time you did have.
  14. I had to smile reading this. Conner loves his walks, but at 13.6 with mobility issues, he can’t go as far as he would like. Sometimes when we make the turn to head back home he will go along with just a deep sigh, but sometimes he pulls the opposite way, like he is saying, no not yet! Just a little more If I think he can go a little more I’ll give in, but if I think he needs to head home, I insist. If he still pulls, I just stop and plant my feet. I don’t tug, but I keep a steady pressure on the leash in the direction I want to go. I learned this with another grey I had, who was young and strong and weighed 90 lbs. when we had a disagreement, I told him, you may be stronger, but I outweigh you, I will win in the end In the beginning, with both dogs, I did do the circling thing, it helps break their concentration.
  15. It is hard to watch them get old. My 13.6 yr old doesn't get around very well anymore either. There was a thread here awhile back on getting that first catch I think a long handled ladle was the best choice
  16. I am so sorry! I remember when she arrived, cutest little puppy ever
  17. I am so sorry you have lost your two beautiful girls so close together
  18. I never thought I would be driving a minivan (no kids) but they are hands down the best vehicle for large dogs, especially if you also have kids or other people who regularly ride with you. I've had SUVs, a Honda Element and a Jeep Cherokee, and they both worked ok until my dogs got older. SUVs and crossovers can be too high for older dogs to jump up into, and many of us can't lift a 60, 70, 80 lb dog into the car The only down side is they are big vehicles. I call my Dodge Caravan "the longship"
  19. What a terrible shock for you and your son! I am so sorry
  20. I am sorry Conner wasn't up to the trip to say goodbye, I know he will miss his balcony buddy. Rocket will be fine, the tears are for you and Chris
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