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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Oh poor Misty! (she does pathetic very well, doesn't she? ) I hope that now that the nasty bandages are off, she will feel better quickly.
  2. poor Misty (and poor you!) I hope she can leave the bandages alone for at least a few days.
  3. missed this yesterday I am glad he is doing better, that he continues to improve and nothing else crops up.
  4. OMG! how scary for you! and poor Brilly. I had just been wondering how Rowdy was doing, poor kitty as well
  5. that is a very good report! as long as you can keep her stable, or only creeping downhill, you can look forward to some good times with her. take it day by day
  6. she sounds like she was quite a character
  7. The absolute hardest thing I've ever done is to put down my cat whose kidneys had failed. Even with his kidneys completely shut down, he was not ready to go. Should I have just let him die on his own? I didn't want him to suffer, and he was past anything medicine could do for him. When their spirit is still willing, but their body has failed them, that is when (I believe) we have to step in and make the hard decision, but oh does it hurt
  8. Thank you Heather for starting this discussion. I haven't been able to read everyones replies, but I will work my way through them as I can. I currently have a cat going through a lot of what Grandpa is doing. OK, not barking , but vocalizing for no apparent reason, sometimes not seeming to be aware of me, sometimes confused, sometimes fine. Physically he checks out ok, so I just have to wait and see. (he's 15) I just had a conversation with a friend at work whose cat is old and starting to have health issues. She's never had to make "the decision" before, and wanted to talk to me about how you do it (the emotional part). We talked a bit, and I told her I'd be glad to talk to her again when the time came. Unfortunately, I have plenty of experience. And last, I am still struggling quite a bit with Sugar's death. I know she could have lasted a few more days, maybe even a week, so in that sense, I followed the "better a day to soon" rule. I still believe I did the right thing. She had problems getting around, and absolutely hated being helped. I promised her I would never put her through that again, and I kept that promise, but I still killed my dog, and sometimes it feels like it is killing me. I know most of us have all been through this, and will go through it again. It is the downside of loving someone who has such a shorter life span. Is it worth the pain? Of course (for me, anyway). But it still hurts, it sucks, there's no way to avoid that. I hope everyone who has animals they are "watching" has many more good quality days, weeks, months ahead, and when the time comes to let them go, know you are not alone.
  9. I love hearing updates like that! :yay
  10. I second the fiber. Fletcher gets a spoonful of canned pumpkin with each meal for his IBD. Hope you can get this figured out!
  11. I know how you feel, that limping will scare the **** out of you! I hope it is just soft tissue or sprain. Do you know if she was ever in CA or the southwest? Valley Fever can cause unexplained limping that comes and goes.
  12. I hope she enjoyed the RennFair
  13. I am so sorry, it can be so hard to do the best thing for them
  14. I can't believe it! I am so sorry
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