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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Glad to hear Spud is ok today. I hope the meds for Sadie do their thing with no bad side effects!
  2. I am glad to hear Nelly is doing so well! I think giving her the first three acu treatments close together is a good idea, get the most benefit fastest. Nobody knows how much time she has but you are making the time she does have more comfortable for her, which is better for all of you
  3. You did say something about the "angelic" look on his face last night ...
  4. Fletcher sometimes gurgles and gasses It usually doesn't last more than a day (often less) and I don't worry unless it goes on longer. I just figure something triggered a minor IBD upset (the wind from the north, the angle of the sun ) I hope Spudsie is better by tonight!
  5. I had a cat in renal failure for three and a half years, and yes, there were days he just wouldn't eat. Sugar didn't have kidney problems until the end, but she often went off her feed, and the acupuncture did help her appetite. The acupuncture vet would do "appetite" points, and it did take awhile, but it helped. Also, she never went through the gets worse before it gets better stage, so maybe your baby won't either. Good luck!
  6. Remolacha


    I am so sorry. I lost my Devon Rex 15 years ago, and I miss him still
  7. When I lost Sugar this summer, and my cat Richard a year ago, my vet did not administer a sedative first. My understanding is that The Shot is essentially an overdose of sedative. At any rate, other than a bit of a struggle to get Sugar to lie down (she never lay down outside the house unless her back end was too weak to support her), both passings were very peaceful. I am sorry your experience with Nigel was distressing. Well, more distressing than losing a loved pet.
  8. Dune sounds like a very special dog, I am so sorry
  9. I am so sorry. It is so hard to see them decline without knowing why (I wouldn't do surgery either)
  10. how sad, BJ, and everyone else who knew her, I am so sorry
  11. I am sorry the acupuncture didn't help him, but you are right, if it causes him that much stress, he won't get any benefit. OTOH, I am glad to hear the itching is less :yay
  12. As everyone has told you (more or less) it is different for each person, and I think, different for each pet. I am usually a multi-pet household, but I have found when I was without any, I adopted new ones much sooner. One of the reasons I choose to have multiples, but that is just what works for me. I lost Sugar, my first greyhound, in July. I am not 100% sure I am ready for another, but Fletcher, my other grey needs another dog, so I started looking. I saw quite a few that looked nice, but... Then I saw Molly's (aka Momma) picture, and knew she was the one. She's coming home tomorrow, and I feel that it is right. So, my long winded advice , start looking, when the right dog finds you, you'll know. It may take a few weeks, a few months, a year, whatever is right for you and your family.
  13. I am so sorry. sometimes being the grownup is the pits
  14. I am so sorry. The picture I always remember of her is the one of Aria in her pearls.
  15. nooooooooo! Iam so sorry. I hope by jumping on it quickly (and stomp it into the ground) it won't be so bad this time.
  16. that's not too bad! I second the acupuncture, Sugar had a similar problem and acu made a huge difference.
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