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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. She's probably dehydrated from the big D. I'm glad she is getting to come home for the weekend!
  2. sorry, no ideas. I'd ultrasound is the next step and they are doing that...I hope he feels better soon
  3. glad to hear the surgery went well! I'm sure he'll feel better as soon as he gets home.
  4. I know how hard it is to make that decision You put Dempsey first. I am so sorry.
  5. Oh Judy, I was so shocked to see this, she had been fighting so hard I am so, so sorry
  6. Patti, you are quite right, it CAN'T be anything! Therefore, it is nothing! just in case
  7. :confetti wonderful news! I am so glad to see her looking so good! :bounce1
  8. I kind of messed up the poll, since I didn't read that it was multiple choice before I hit submit Sugar had arthritis which became bad enough to qualify for special needs, but what really counted, I think, was her heart condition. I didn't mark anything for that. Both developed as she aged. Fletcher has IBD, but I don't consider that a "special need" since we manage it with diet, and he looks and acts healthy.
  9. Fletcher had a bout of giardia and something else that I forget, it was a couple of years ago. Flagyl and a round of Panacur made him much better, and very quickly. He did continue to have poop issues, but that turned out to be IBD. Hope Guinness is feeling better!
  10. Remolacha


    What a beautiful girl! I am so sorry
  11. Anytime it's not cancer, its good Sugar had disc spacing issues, getting her pain meds correct helped a lot, but what really made the difference was the acupuncture! Once she started that, and it had a chance to work, she had almost no more problems. A few very minor setbacks, but nothing an extra Tramadol for a day or two didn't fix. I am a huge fan of acupuncture!
  12. I am so glad to hear Emmy Is eating! What a roller coaster you have all been on these last few months
  13. It is soooo frustrating when they won't eat I hope you can find something she wants
  14. OK, this is actually a (relatively) good thing. VF is quite treatable and the meds are much less expensive than they used to be. Many people on here have dogs with this (Amanda, for one). We never want our babies to be sick, but if they are, treatable is better. I do know what you mean though, about feeling sick. What did your vet say about treatment?
  15. That just sucks! I am so sorry a big for you and for Pup
  16. I am so sorry! The horrible downside to loving seniors
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