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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. he sounds like my "nephew" cat Pooh-kitty.
  2. I hope she continues to improve and I really hope the test results come back with some answers for you, so she can Get Well!!
  3. wonderful news! It is great that she is feeling better. Even if it is only for a few days, you know she is not suffering Right Now.
  4. I found the spray useless, but love the gel! Sugar had a way of turning teeny little scrapes into major hot spots with licking. EMT gel was the only thing that stopped her. Fletcher isn't as bad about licking, but I swear, that dog can't even think about going outside without getting a scrape or a scratch somewhere I only gel the bigger ones.
  5. This is what I went through with Sugar last week. I am hope Shirley responds!
  6. I am so sorry. It's good that he was happy right up to the end
  7. Fletcher has IBD, which is why we started the raw diet. Because his system is so touchy, he gets a spoon of pumpkin and one of yogurt with each meal. It's great for minor upsets!
  8. cooked pumpkin, the plain stuff, not pie filling. It's usually used for the runs, but works for constipation too!
  9. Fletcher had something similar a few weeks ago, turns out he'd picked up the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers in people, so his tummy hurt along with the nasty poop. A round of anti-b's fixed him up, but it took longer than it usually does. Hoping everyone starts feeling better soon!
  10. could be arthritis, could be something in his spine going a little wonky with age (great medical term, huh?) I hope the vet can figure it out and it is not serious.
  11. I am so sorry, what a shock!
  12. I hope you can keep her comfortable and have some quality time with her
  13. I hope you start seeing results quickly! Poor Flashman
  14. Glad she is ok! Guess you will have to replace the ball
  15. wow, poor girl! (and poor you) I don't have anything useful to add at this late date except that her tail (and everything else) gets better.
  16. Hannah, I am so sorry! I have followed Madame Fluff through all her trials, she was such a trooper.
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