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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. So glad to hear she is feeling better! I was afraid to open this thread...I know exactly what you mean about not jinxing the good times! I hope everybody continues to do well
  2. I am glad he is feeling better today for many more good days
  3. you do have your hands full I think if Molly breaks her toe again, I won't have it wrapped, she only kept it on about a week for Isis, I'm glad she is not in pain.
  4. NO! Not my Flippy Doo! She is one of my very favorite GT dogs :candle :candle
  5. Sugar couldn't do Clavamox at all, which surprised me since I've always used it on the kitties with no issues. hope she feels better!
  6. Is it an 'inside' toe or an 'outside' toe? Molly broke her outside toe on Thanksgiving, and the vet put a splint on it and wrapped it, I think because it was on the outside. She tolerated the splint for about 10 days (was supposed to be three weeks) then started messing with it, so the vet told me I could cut it off. I kept her on pain meds for about a month, until she (mostly) stopped limping. In retrospect, I probably wouldn't have bothered splinting it, but Molly is a bit of a drama queen so I thought it was worse than it probably really was.
  7. Mary Jo, my friend's standard poodle Lucy was diagnosed with VF about 18-24 months ago (I can't remember exactly). I believe it was a mild case, and Lucy has been off meds for the last year with no relapse, so it is possible, but of course they get her checked regularly.
  8. Sugar was on so many pills (heart meds, arthritis meds, thyroid meds) that I just added a pepcid to the lot, and she got everything after her food. I figured, since she was getting it regularly, it didn't matter if it was after the food. It did help her a lot. I hope Buddy is feeling better!
  9. glad the vet thinks it's just a bug!
  10. I always come here first. I hate seeing the new names, but I feel like I have to know It is always so sad, and I want to go hug my dogs and demand they never leave, but I know they will. A huge to everyone who has suffered a loss, this month or anytime!
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