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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I wish I had some advice for you, you know you and Beau and your DH have my prayers! :candle
  2. Oh Hilda, NO! I am so sorry
  3. he looks great! glad he is tolerating the chemo well
  4. Remolacha

    Pa Coach

    You gave her a long, wonderful life. I am so sorry
  5. That not eating thing is so frustrating! I hope Toby starts feeling better soon
  6. I wrote you a nice, long, insightful reply, which the computer then lost So, short version, just keep an eye on him for a few days, and he will let you know what he needs. Fletcher needed some extra attention, some reassurance, and ultimately, another dog
  7. and and and please don't take this the wrong way, but, this could only happen to Monty!
  8. I walked that tightrope with Sugar for about three years. One thing that did help, when I started taking her for acupuncture for her back end weakness, I mentioned that she had heart problems. Her vet did a few heart points each time, and after a few months when she went to the cardiologist for a checkup, the enlarged part of her heart had actually gone down a bit (you could see it on the ultrasound). Her cardiologist was amazed, and reduced her Lasix (diuretic) dose! Unfortunately, all the meds for heart and arthritis caught up with her a few months later, and she passed from acute kidney failure, but especially since Wizard is younger (Sugar was 12 1/2)
  9. Sugar did not have LS, but some other kind of back end weakness. I've forgotten the details of how my vet described it. She was 3 months short of 12 yrs when it suddenly got Very Bad. Short term, she was on pred, which helped. She was already taking Metacam for arthritis, but we switched to Tramadol so she could have pain meds with the pred. I also started her on acupuncture regularly, which was a huge help. She got an Adequan shot, which really helped the first time, not so much the second time, so we didn't do it again. Her "long term" treatment was Tramadol as needed and acupuncture, which kept her in pretty good shape for 7 months. She passed away from acute kidney failure related to the heavy doses of heart meds she had been on for several years. I am very much in favor of acupuncture!
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