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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I don't have anything new to add, the others have covered it well! But, I want to reinforce what they've said about IBD dogs. Fletcher's IBD is pretty mild, as I've said, maybe because I caught it when he was young (2 yrs old), but you HAVE to stick to what works. Once Beau is stable, you can try adding things, but only one at a time, and I would never give anything like kibble with so many ingredients. Until he's stable and gained his weight back, I wouldn't experiment at all. I know it's hard, but simple, simple, simple is the way to go!
  2. I hope the drugs are able to give him some ease
  3. Judy, I am so sorry Jack is having more problems! I have no experience with LP, so all I can offer is
  4. He looks so sweet! I am glad the acupuncture helped, I am a big fan of acupuncture
  5. That is very very good news! It will be a long slow process, it took Fletcher about 4 months to get "right" once he was diagnosed, and he has very mild IBD compared to Beau. But, now he is fine, and Beau will be too!
  6. oh crap! I am so sorry I hope the third opinion will agree with OSU!
  7. glad to hear he's having a good day today
  8. When Molly had hookworms, she had sloppy poo but not really diarrhea. Since Spud had a bad day, and is now fine, but now Sadie's bad, maybe it is a bug. Still, wouldn't hurt to take her in if she's not better tomorrow
  9. seisures are scary! I hope this was a one time event!
  10. I am glad you finally have a diagnosis, and it's not the unmentionable! Fletcher has fairly mild IBD, and once I figured out what his triggers were, he has not had to be on any regular meds. Beau's is more severe, it sounds like, and he may need some form of meds all his life, but at least it can be managed! It will take some time, and you'll have to watch his diet like a hawk, once you figure out what works (and what doesn't). There are a variety of supplements that can help, Fletcher gets pumpkin and yogurt with every meal. He was on colostrum for awhile at the beginning, too. I would hold off on these though, if it were my dog, until you have his main food source worked out. I am adding this after reading your latest email. Remember that he probably still doesn't feel 100% from his surgery, and he's not a morning person when it comes to eating The pred should work pretty fast, but it still may take a couple of days. more
  11. He probably won't feel like eating until all the anesthetic is out of his system. I don't remember, have you tried him on Ensure?
  12. I am glad to hear Jack is feeling better! Hopefully, the acupuncture will complete the "cure" (I know it probably isn't really a cure, but as long as he feels better, that's what's important)
  13. I am glad Sheila continues to improve, but very sorry to hear about Terry. I had a Boston when I was a kid, and he died of a heart attack. He was only 6, we think he had a genetic defect.
  14. well you are one step closer to an answer hoping it is a *good* answer, but I always think it is better to know
  15. glad to hear the surgery went well! will be checking back for the results
  16. I will be praying for definite diagnosis of something treatable!
  17. My vet is a small, one vet clinic, and no one is there after hours. They will keep an animal overnight, but are very upfront about the fact that no one will be there with them. I understand she can't afford to pay a tech to stay overnight. I love my vet and the techs, and they are only about 5 min from my house, so I wouldn't change. In fact I think it would be hard to find an non-evet clinic that did have staff overnight anymore.
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