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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so sorry I know you will miss him, but I would wish all my animals, if they have to go, would pass like Dowland
  2. :yay I'm so glad she is feeling better! She is one tough lady
  3. I am so glad to hear she is better this morning! Polli
  4. hope it's just a sprain or strain and she continues to improve!
  5. I am going to push the acupuncture as well. I took Sugar for her back end issues. She was painfully shy and hated being around anyone she didn't know, but she did very well with the acupuncture. Nervous the first time, but fine after that. My acupuncturist said she had actually done it on cats, rabbits, and ferrets! It helped her backend weakness, her incontinence, and her bad heart. for Jack
  6. it sounds like she is getting the best possible care
  7. I am sorry it wasn't something else for you and Beth
  8. hoping it is "just" an infection, an can be quickly controlled and sent on its way!
  9. I'm afraid my experience won't be very helpful. I had a cat that lived for 3.5 yrs after being diagnose with chronic renal failure. It's fairly common in older cats. He was on subq fluids, and over the course of the three+ yrs, took Forti-Flora and Viokase (sp?) as well as pepcid every day to help him eat. Doesn't sound like appetite is a problem for you. My greyhound, Sugar went into acute kidney failure last summer, probably related to her heart disease/heart meds. She stopped eating, and I let her go after just a week when it became clear she was ready to go. sorry this is not more help! for Maggie
  10. was he tested for Valley Fever? some of the more obscure TBD's?
  11. canned pumpkin did wonders for Fletcher's poop while we were figuring out his IBD, but it doesn't work for everyone. I'm pretty sure it can't hurt, tho. give him a big old spoonful of the plain canned pumpkin, not the pie filing and see if it helps
  12. sorry the results weren't better. I know you will get this under control eventually, just so frustrating for you (both)
  13. hoping Beth has something not so horrible!
  14. that's progress! not as much as you would like, but it's something!
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