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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so sorry The guilt is not rational, you know you did everything possible for him, but you can't help feeling there should have been something else you could have done, or he would still be here. It is a cliche, but time is really the only thing that helps. Eventually, you will be able to remember the good times.
  2. I am so sorry I lost my kitty Diana almost a year ago in very similar circumstances. She looked a lot like your Carey, too. I understand about not being able to be without a kitty.
  3. glad it was nothing worse than a reaction to the ABs!
  4. Keep an eye on her, but try not to worry. Sallie (aka Goat Girl) has eaten a leather buckle collar (she left the buckle, thankfully) and two nylon tag collars all were pooped out successfully after a week or two.
  5. it is so hard when their body starts to fail, but the spark is still there in the eyes
  6. I am afraid it looks like that to me, too, but I don't have any first hand experience. Can you send these pictures to your vet? beautiful Rascal
  7. for Ms Elsie! as for the asprin thing, I've heard 5 days to 2 weeks for NSAIDs, but asprin specifically seems to be 2 weeks.
  8. I hope you get some answers soon! I agree, at this point , give him whatever he will eat. I think Ensure is nasty, but I had good luck getting Sugar to eat, er, drink that (regular Vanilla, not one of the enhanced ones) and tuna. Some people have had good luck sprinkling nutritional yeast on food.
  9. thanks! that's a lot of freeze dried liver, but it's about the only way Fletcher will eat it
  10. Does anyone know how to correlate the weight of freeze dried liver to raw liver? In other words, if the goal is 6 oz of raw liver, how much freeze dried would that be (given that freeze dried seems to be essentially weightless )
  11. Wasn't it Susie who used to trace under the tangerine tree? One of my favorite pictures
  12. YES to the acupuncture! It doesn't help all dogs, but when Sugar developed lower back problems (similar to spinal arthritis) at 11 1/2 and almost couldn't walk, acupuncture gave her great relief. After about a month, she was 90% back to normal. She was on all they supplements, and NSAIDs, but the acupuncture was what really did it. I have arthritis in my hips myownself, and acupuncture works great for me, too
  13. I wouldn't do the surgery either, at this point, unless the vet could explain to me exactly what she hoped to accomplish, and why it had to be surgery, rather than ultrasound or x-rays. I also agree about taking him off the medsto see if he is having a reaction. I would also want a battery of tests run to check for other possible causes. I'm not a vet, but this is what I would do if it were my dog.
  14. Glad you finally have a coherent report and a good one! Fletcher has IBD, and when his arthritis started getting worse this last year, (in his hips now, as well as his shoulders ) we went to a combination of Tramadol and Metacam. So far, so good! I don't know how you feel about alternative medicine, but I have started giving him Yucca Root drops, and it has really made a difference, to the point that I am able to cut back on his other meds, and it hasn't triggered a flare-up. I can understand if you don't want to take the risk, though. Oh, and he gets a milk thistle capsule everyday, now that he is on daily Metacam.
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