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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Fletcher's had arthritis since he was about 6 (now 10) Traumeel tablets worked for him for awhile, with Metacam added on bad days. When that wasn't enoughI added acupuncture and Chinese herbs, which have made a big difference. He has also gotten Fresh Factors and a glucosamine/msm supplement, currently we are using Arthresoothe Gold, as it has boswellia, green lipped muscle, and yucca as well as glucosamine, chondrioten and msm I also have tramadol on hand for times when he needs a little extra.
  2. I am so sorry there is a special pain when you loose your first
  3. All of mine eat grass occasionally, but I only allow them to eat our grass, which I know hasn't been sprayed. No grazing on walks If he is eating, pooping, and peeing normally and not throwing up I wouldn't worry. If anything of those is off, I'd probably take him in for a check up.
  4. It has taken a combination of tramadol and rimadyl to control Fletcher's arthritis pain, and it really wasn't enough. Now that he is getting acupuncture and Chinese herbs, we are cutting back on the tramadol and rimadyl. I know when Fletcher's arthritis started acting up and he started limping on his front leg, the problem was actually in his shoulder, so you might need to get those x-rays anyway, to see where the problem really is. I hope the meds help, and it turns out to be "just" arthritis
  5. I did notice slight variations in color when I was feeding it, not a big deal. I never had any problems with it (we were not in the recall area), but I switched to CostCo's grain free for $ reasons. It is very very similar to TOTW, and the dogs like it and are doing well. I feed the girls half raw, half kibble, Fletcher only gets kibble on rare occasions. It is made by Diamond, but there have never been any problems in this area
  6. It's a fairly new program, may not be at all CostCos yet.
  7. I kind of think you have to be a CostCo member to even set foot in the store , but for me it was worth the membership fee for what I save on Fletcher's prescriptions. I also feed their grain free food to the girls, and they have great dog beds I also get his tramadol there, and they carry Frontline as well, I think for a good price, but I haven't bought it there so I don't know for sure.
  8. Oh Claudia, I am so sorry Ekko was truly one of a kind she will be remembered by many people
  9. Don't know if you have a CostCo near you, but that's where I've started getting Fletcher's Rimadyl. $5?.00 for 60 ($53? $57?, I can't remember)
  10. Lot's of people seem to like the Iams' Green Bag. I've never used it, mine don't like Iams for some reason, but I get the impression it is reasonably priced. You can probably get a smaller bag at first to try. I was going to suggest Kirkland, but I understand not wanting to buy the huge bag without knowing if it will work. (Please, no Beneful!! there's crap and then there is Crap )
  11. Glad she is done Once she recovers, she will feel so much better!
  12. Poor Opal! And poor you, too, I hate those all night evet visits.
  13. I haven't investigated EVERY kibble on the market but I have looked at a lot of them, I have a dog with many food sensitivities, and I doubt you will find a kibble that meets all of your requirements. Home cooked or raw is probably your best bet. You control the ingredients, and as kudzu said, you don't always have to pay the extra expense for organic to get good meat. It takes a little more time, especially at first, but I don't think it is any more expensive that the high-end kibble. If you want to try kibble first, go to some websites and start checking ingredients. All the good ones have them listed.
  14. This sounds very much like Fletcher. Although he is only 10, he's had arthritis for about 4 years, and it has gotten bad in his back end in the last year or so, and the panting has been almost constant, especially in the summer. What has helped him has been acupuncture and Chinese herbs. He has been on this for about a month, and is doing much better. He also still takes rimadyl and tramadol. I think the panting is a combination of pain (better with the addition of the Chinese herbs), allergies (will start on that next), heat (turned down the AC), and stress. If acupuncture is available in your area, I would strongly suggest you give it a try. It can't hurt, and has made such a difference for us. I was lucky enough to find a mobile vet who comes to the house
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