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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Oh no, not Bill! I was so afraid of this when you posted last week that he was limping. Bill was one of a kind, thank you for sharing him with us. As much as his fans will miss him, I know it is so much worse for you
  2. you are doing what is best for her, hard as it is for you
  3. If it has been more hot or humid lately, it could be affecting her more because of her heart condition.
  4. Hope everything "works out" OK (I couldn't resist!) I have a goat girl who eats all kinds of non food items.
  5. Poor Poodle! I think those prices are very reasonable (sadly). I hope everything else is ok.
  6. Fletcher has many food sensitivities, and Molly has started showing some sensitivity to chicken and lamb, but all my dogs do well on duck. I think it is more similar to turkey than chicken, but as long as the fat content doesn't bother her, she should do fine.
  7. Somehow I missed that he was having surgery again, poor boy! I am glad he came through the surgery well, and I really hope this takes care of things.
  8. I am going to try this, Fletcher takes a ton of pills. He likes the pill pockets just fine, but I had some trouble finding them recently at PetSmart, and the clerk told me there had been a "problem at the plant" and they had had to stop production for awhile. Rut Roh, sound familiar? She assured me everything was fine and they had started production again, but I like the idea of knowing what I am giving him, plus saving money is always good
  9. :yay now that's the kind of Full House update I like to see!
  10. I would start trying different things to see if you can tempt him to start eating again. Scrambled eggs, cat food, Ensure, tripe, meat baby food, spaghettios, Hawaiian sweet bread, ANYTHING he has ever shown any interest in. At this point, forget about "appropriate" food, just see if you can get him to eat. If none of this works, then I'd say yes, sadly, it is time.
  11. What a terrible August you had! I am so sorry for your loss, Butter was a very pretty girl.
  12. Molly will run outside and bark at the thunder if I let her. Very popular with the neighbors at 3a.m. It is definitely not fear. I just make her stay inside, she doesn't need to be out in the rain anyway! I have to be up with Sallie who is afraid and Fletcher who is somewhere in between anyway.
  13. Those are obscene! I will have to make some, my dogs will go nuts
  14. Sugar's kidney failure was not chronic, but in her last week, she refused all food, to the point of getting up and moving if I tried to bring it to her bed. No real physical changes, except she started to get weak after a week of not eating, and she hated to be helped. I could see in her eyes that she was ready, so I let her go while she still had her dignity.
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