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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Remolacha

    Penny Lane

    I am so sorry that was a beautiful tribute
  2. I've given a bunch of different supplements over the years. Currently I am giving the girls (8 & 10) Springtime's Joint Health and Fresh Factors, as a support/preventative. Neither one has any arthritis or other health issues, but both raced before they became broodies, so I figure it can't hurt Fletcher (10) has pretty bad arthritis, and started having problems starting about 6 yrs old. Currently he is on Arthrisoothe Gold and Fresh Factors. I switched to the Arthrisoothe Gold because it has Green Lipped mussels, Boswellia, and Yucca as well as the usual stuff. I get it from Amazon. I have arthritis myself, and know that boswellia, at least, does help. btw, Fletcher is a racing school drop out, never raced edited to add, Arthrisoothe Gold: (per tablet, he takes 2/day) glucosamine 500 mg msm 500 mg chondroitin 200 mg green lipped mussel 200 mg boswellia serrata 90 mg yucca schidigera 90 mg vitamin C 60 mg type II collagen 32 mg zinc 7 mg hyaluronic acid 6 mg vitamin E 60 IU
  3. I am so sorry Albi was one of the most beautiful dogs I ever saw, thank you for sharing him with us
  4. Why "fix" something that isn't broke? I have had several vets tell me that senior food is all about marketing, not nutrition. If she is doing well on her current food, I wouldn't change a thing, now or when she (hopefully) gets into her teens! The only thing to watch out for is if, as her activity level drops, she starts to put on weight. Even then, I wouldn't change foods, just give less of the same. FWIW, I don't even consider them seniors until they are at least 10
  5. I used Dasuquin for my old girl, I think it helped. I used it for Fletcher for awhile (he's only 10, but has had bad arthritis for a few years), now I am using Arthrisoothe Gold. I think any good supplement is worth a try, plus, I would recommend acupuncture if it is available in your area. That was what has really helped my hounds!
  6. probably rules out major disc injury (ruptured, etc) but not much else. the Metacam is helping the pain, so just keep her quiet (as possible ) and give it some more time.
  7. Not to confuse you further , but like racindog said, each dog is different, so you may need to adjust what you do over time. I've had several dogs on Metacam for arthritis and it worked well without side effects. I also had Fletcher on Traumeel pills for a couple of years for his arthritis before we went to Metacam. When Molly had her neck injury last year, I just used Tramadol and restricted activity. Restricted activity is key, as it can take several weeks for neck injuries to heal, and the dog will start to feel better and may want to do more. Don't listen to them! I let Molly talk me into walks too soon, and it delayed her healing by several weeks I have also used acupuncture, rimadyl, and Chinese herbs for Fletcher's arthritis, as well as supplements. Everyone gets supplements (me too!)
  8. This was going to be my suggestion as well, my old girl had disc issues (couldn't walk, could barely stand) and acupuncture really helped her, but she wasn't a tripod. Don't know if that would make a difference.
  9. I am glad you found a new vet. Hope that he can find some quick answers to what is bothering Vinnie!
  10. I am so sorry, I hope you are able to have a lot more time with him before he has to leave
  11. Fletcher's new vet gave me some PlaqueOff that she says they have had great results with. Not sure what all meds Lazer is still taking and how this would work with them, but it might save you a dental if his teeth are just gunky. http://www.international-dental.com/id/proden_plaqueoff_animal.htm
  12. great update that he got through the surgery ok and the mass was confined to the spleen! Now, for a good recovery and a B9 biopsy!
  13. Yes, a very hot topic! My only suggestion is to get the full panel done, not just the T4 test. That seems to be where a lot of the misdiagnosis comes in, as the levels that are low for most dogs are not low for sight hounds. Doesn't mean your dog isn't hypothyroid, just means you need to do a more extensive test.
  14. hope it turns out to be something that can be fixed
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