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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I've seen this mentioned frequently. I go very gently with the Zoom Groom, and it has the softer rubber teeth. I guess I have a hard time thinking she would be more tolerant of something like a shedding blade, but I get their food at a local feed store - I've never seen any horse hair mitts, though. A quick google search turned up a couple of different types. One is even for dogs http://facercise.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=2 http://hppets.com/shopsite_sc/product5.html
  2. so great to hear she is enjoying life I hope she has many more good days
  3. good to hear you finally made it home, and that Shelby is doing better
  4. Glad she is home, I know she feels better just for that! If the Amicar starts the blood clotting, her body should reabsorb it, no problem.
  5. Happy Birthday Sophie maybe it's just the pictures, but I think she is looking better!
  6. gotta love those drama queens it doesn't look too bad
  7. A full tick panel would be a waste of money, but a $2000 MRI isn't? It's not a classic tick symptom, but for my peace of mind, I think I would do it anyway. That said, Fletcher has had arthritis with intermittent limps since he was 5, but he doesn't hop. But, he didn't have a broken hock, either. I also would try acupuncture. It is terrible to see them in pain and not be able to fix it
  8. I would just keep an eye on it, to make sure it didn't get infected. Fletcher does this all the time. Gets a small scrape (because he's a klutz) then licksandlicksandlicks until it is bigger and sore Then I have to chase him around to put something on it
  9. wasn't sure if "kinda pukey" referred to you or her
  10. I am so sorry I am glad for Teddy's sake that he didn't suffer, but what a terrible shock for you, to loose him so young
  11. Remolacha


    I am so sorry there is a special kind of pain to loosing your first
  12. Remolacha

    My Cat Neumann

    I am so sorry orange kitties are the best
  13. poor little girl I am glad they were able to stop the bleeding. sounds like it looks worse than it feels (I hope!)
  14. I am so sorry Robin she was beautiful
  15. for clean margins! also for Sophie walking on her own
  16. Acupuncture worked wonders for Sugar when she had her spinal issues, it took awhile, but she went from not being able to walk (could barely stand), to about 90% mobility. It impressed me so much I tried it for myself It is true, animals are either going to feel better from the treatment, or not, there is no psychosomatic effect.
  17. Can you give Silver the Princess something "special" that won't give her nasty poops that is different from Sam's canned food? Like yogurt or cottage cheese? Or, can you mix Sam's medicine in something Silver can eat? I am sure you've thought of these things, but sometimes, for me anyway, I overthink the situation and miss the obvious I try to be even handed with the dogs treats/medicine-hidden-in-treats, just because it makes ME feel better
  18. I've been following Sophie latest 'adventure' but haven't had a chance to respond. I am glad she is doing better this morning, but think the vet visit is a good idea. I hope the bruising is just part of the healing.
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