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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so sorry you had to loose her, but try to hang on to the fact that those 14 wonderful years you had with her are something that many people never get to experience
  2. She is adorable I am glad she was able to stay Do you know ( maybe you said earlier and I missed it) what mix she is? Just curious.
  3. to the Bean and her family. Glad to here she is still feeling good, for now. I agree, we need more pictures
  4. I am so sorry she was very beautuful
  5. I am so glad to hear he is improving! I think having the assistance harness on hand, even if you end up not needing it right now, is a good idea when you have older dogs. Some don't like being helped but most tolerate the harness. Also, looking into a chiro and/or acupuncture could definitely help, acupuncture got my old girl walking again!
  6. Thanks for the update, it is great to hear she is feeling better! When they get older, I think the most important thing is keeping them comfortable and happy. Sounds like the Bean is in that place edited to add, of course you would fix anything fixable
  7. I hope the latest drugs do the trick! It's a little messy, but braunschweiger might work, being a liver sausage, she probably wouldn't smell the pills, but if she bites into one, well, all bets are off!
  8. I am going to second the giving fluids at home if you can. It makes them feel better, and in my experience, improves their appetite.
  9. more :candle I know that "bad feeling", but sometimes it's just your worry getting out of hand. Hoping tomorrow goes well
  10. I am just catching up on this I understand that anyone can make a mistake, and although it would have been upsetting, If they had contacted you immediately it wouldn't have been as bad. But to tell you three times that everything was fine, and then to hit you with this when you picked him up, just beyond belief. I am so sorry that what should have been a minor, routine surgery has turned into such a nightmare. I hope things are better from now on and he heals quickly
  11. I know cats can take Valium, I have used it for travel issues. Not sure why your vet wouldn't OK this. Maybe ask specifically for Valium rather than a sedative? You can also give cats melatonin, .5-.8 mg every 12 hrs. I have not done this myself, but know people who have. I would still hesitate to do anything without a vet's OK, cats are so small
  12. Hate Hate Hate fireworks! I tried Valium last year and Xanax this year. I think the Valium worked better for Fletcher but the Xanax worked better for Sallie. I might look into those biscuits, the drugs help a lot, but make them kind of wobbly on their feet, and Fletcher is pretty wobbly anyway, it makes me nervous.
  13. Fletcher's had arthritis since he was about 6 (now 10) Traumeel tablets worked for him for awhile, with Metacam added on bad days. When that wasn't enoughI added acupuncture and Chinese herbs, which have made a big difference. He has also gotten Fresh Factors and a glucosamine/msm supplement, currently we are using Arthresoothe Gold, as it has boswellia, green lipped muscle, and yucca as well as glucosamine, chondrioten and msm I also have tramadol on hand for times when he needs a little extra.
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