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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. IBD/IBS/food allergies are very specific to each individual. Based on his history, I would guess he has IBS (irritable bowl syndrome) or food allergies (which technically could fall under the IBS umbrella) The treatments for all three are pretty much the same, most important being finding a food they do well on! Food allergies/sensitivities often can change over time, so he could have developed a sensitivity to the Z/D over time. I would try home cooked or raw, or one of the limited ingredient commercial foods. The fewer ingredients and fewer additives, the easier it will be to figure out what he can tolerate. The more control you have over what he eats, the better. One thing I have found that helps Fletcher (IBD/IBS, I didn't biopsy either) with a gurgly tummy is about a tsp of Manuka honey. He gets it with each meal. Good luck! It really is a roller coaster.
  2. I hope Nola is feeling better soon. It does sound a lot like how Molly acted when she had her neck "issues".
  3. I am so sorry I do remember Angel, and the story of her turning from cat-zapper to cat friend
  4. Remolacha


    I am so sorry Clearly he packed a lot of love into that year and a half with you
  5. Glad he is feeling better today! I think a lot of times the treatment takes a little something out of them, and it takes a day to recover. Such a handsome boy
  6. Fletcher's is $75, but we also use a mobile vet who comes to the house, so I expect it to be a little higher. Worth it to me to avoid the stress of an office visit.
  7. I am now using it for my second hound with arthritis, and it was/is a huge help. I was so impressed by how much it helped my angel Sugar I started going to a people acupuncturist for myownself I know it doesn't always help, but I would say it is always worth a try.
  8. Remolacha

    Frans Big Mike

    I am so sorry, he was something special!
  9. I am sorry to hear he is still having problems I wonder since they took two teeth instead of the original one that was planned, if his jaw is still sore? I hope whatever it is, he gets better soon
  10. I am so sorry It is hard to loose two so close together, but sometimes they just can't go on without their friend
  11. Remolacha


    I am so sorry
  12. I've used Springtime products for years, that combination should help. Just be aware, it can take a few weeks to build up and really start showing results. Reminds me I need to order some Fresh Factors
  13. You don't say if you have tried medicating her, but I would try that. I think her fear is beyond anything you can correct with behavior modifications at this point. You may have to try a few different drugs to see which works best, I'd start with Valium or Xanax. Melatonin works well for some dogs (works on one of mine, but her fear is mild). I know ACE has worked for some people, but I would not recommend it, it isn't really geared towards anxiety. Good luck, I know you must feel so bad for her.
  14. I can just see it I have to drag Molly into the vet as well (one of the reasons I'm switching to a mobile vet) everything will go smoothly and it will all be over soon!
  15. So sorry that Sid is going through this. Like the others, my first thought was, reaction to the opiate. Since he is eating and drinking, hopefully it will get out of his system in a timely manner, but it could take up to 48 hrs to completely clear. However, he should be much better by tomorrow. I don't know how many vets you have in your area, but I sure wouldn't be going back to that one!
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