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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so sorry. I know how it is, I currently have a 17 yr old that gets me up in the middle of the night, demands that I sit down and make a lap for him to sit in, and so on. Totally worth it when you know they won't be around
  2. That is such a shock, I am so sorry! It could be so many things, what tests did your vet run?
  3. I think as they get older they get more heat sensitive, but pain is the most likely cause. Hope you can get some answers and get him comfortable.
  4. Unfortunately some dogs do not have the "normal" reaction to some drugs. I don't think there is anyway to know ahead of time I have never experienced that drastic a reaction, but I have had animals that were not calmed by the first shot and needed more shots, and I am sure the vets were competent. Perhaps the vets/techs here can offer some better advice
  5. That looks very much like Conner's sprung toe. Nothing shows on x-ray because it is a ligament, not bone. We have had some success with laser treatments, but in his case it will probably never go away (he has other mobility issues, and is 11) I will post a couple of pictures if I can get *&%(&^ Photobucket to cooperate. It is his right back foot.
  6. I am so sorry, what a devastating time for you
  7. What beauties :beatheart How wonderful that you were there for them, and they were there for you!
  8. I have heard, from people with multiple dogs & fosters (so lots of opportunity for ticks!) that the Preventic collars are very effective. BUT, they are toxic to cats, so my vet does nor recommend using them on your dogs if you have cats.
  9. Remolacha

    Yopon Alan Wag

    Alan was one of the most classicly beautiful greys I have ever seen.
  10. Not Baby Ginny I am so very sorry
  11. I just wanted to add, think how lucky you are that you can plan his last days to be fun and full of love. I have had it both ways, and the trauma of having to say good bye when they are in pain and fear, and you have had no time to prepare yourself, adds just that much more hurt.
  12. I am so sorry The difficult ones do leave a huge silence when they are gone.
  13. It is always hard to let them go, and the hardest of all are the ones who's spirit is still there as their body fails. I've been through this with cats and dogs, and I have to remind myself that we promise to take care of them, and that includes making the hard decisions when they can't or won't. Only you can make this decision for your dog, but if Nefer were mine, I would let him go
  14. I would be concerned too, that seems very unusual. I've had many sensitive/reactionary/high strung dogs, and they always settle down after a few hours, if not sooner. Have you tried giving him something like melatonin, maybe take the edge off and "reset" him?
  15. My first grey had a heart problem and was initially diagnosed with a regular ultrasound. There wasn't a canine cardiologist in the area at the time. About 6-9 months later I was able to take her in and get an echo-cardiogram done. It confirmed the diagnosis and gave us a treatment plan. She was 9, and lived to 12.5 Since the vet noticed a change, if it were my dog, I would go ahead and do it.
  16. I am so sorry! The two of you were lucky to have so much time together, but I am sure it doesn't feel like nearly enough now.
  17. :confetti I am so happy that Taylor is one of the lucky ones
  18. I understand where you are, Conner is getting to that point, but no muscles tears (yet). He doesn't have corns, but has an old racing injury that healed badly, and now a frozen toe on that foot. The opposite shoulder now has ligament/nerve damage from the years of adjusting his gait for the injured foot, and he now has problems on the two remaining feet (arthritis and a flat foot). He sees a chiropractor every 4-6 weeks which really helps him get back "in line", or as much as he possibly can. Laser treatments seems to help as well. Benny, one of my favorite GT dogs
  19. hoping it is something that resolves quickly. I think you are right to wait, if his pain can be managed. Benny
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