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Everything posted by palmettobug

  1. Do you have a large Hispanic community? Their groceries stores should have it. Or maybe Amazon, they have everything!
  2. Hey, GC too! Johnny was fostered in Charlotte. We were at Beach Bound Hounds last year and are planning again this year. You have a lot of fellow owners around there.
  3. There are a bunch of us here in SC, what part of the state are you in? Which group did you go through?
  4. My Johnny kept going through spells of not eating breakfast, I think he just didn't like the canned food anymore. I got him some of those Beneful prepared meals in plastic tubs, he's been gobbling them right up! They have rice and veggies with the meat, and I know how much he loves rice--even though it does give him some gas.
  5. FYI--There is a k9 specific Petpectate that has the old school Kaolin and Pectate that you can get at the pet store. BUT please find out if there is something else going on first.
  6. OMG, I am ded from that goofy smile! Welcome from me and your Cuzzin Johnny!
  7. Hobby Lobby also lets you bring pets in. I've been in a few of those antique mall type places that you can bring your dog, some of them are HUGE!
  8. I think it's egg producing chickens that live in cages. We had several chicken houses around where I grew up; first they were Holly Farms (remember them??) and now they're Tyson. They get crammed in little cages on the back of trailer on the way to the plant.
  9. I had some trepidation about taking Johnny to BBH with his issues, but he did a lot better than I thought he would! He was muzzled when we around other greys, and I put a little note on it to let everyone know that he snarks! We also took lots of breaks from the gathering room, and tried to sit away from others.
  10. Johnny does not like other big dogs--he would play with all the little dogs if he could! He snarks at dogs who take too long on the greetings, I kept him muzzled during BBH. I did consult with a dog trainer, she said he was telling other dogs to back off in dog language, and to keep the greetings short as possible and PRAISE and reward if he got sniffed and didn't react. Also, we kept him and Momo and Spirit muzzled when we had to stay with them, irritating for them, but it kept everyone safe and mostly snark free! I also asked an animal communicator why he didn't like other dogs, she said he saw another grey get attacked and pointed to the shoulder that bothers him--go figure.
  11. Johnny is a world class chatterer when walkies (or a car ride!) are imminent! There's a video on YouTube where the grey is chattering while being petted, check it out.
  12. Yes, mast cell can release histamines. My oldest cat has it, he takes cyproheptadine every 48 hrs for it.
  13. Mounting can be a dominance behavior for males AND females. My Lab (long since spayed) tried to hump my #3 cat when she was a teeny kitten, that was funny as hell!
  14. Would a nice heating pad help? Maybe just one of the self heating ones that has foil in the middle?
  15. Johnny refused to use the crate after a month or so, I muzzled him until I felt I could trust him with the cats.
  16. It's deadly for cats, but too much can damage anyone's liver. Usually the vets use COX-2 inhibitors or NSAIDs, never heard of giving a dog Tylenol!
  17. Tanzi, you are beautiful! But no lik-lik, then you'll have to wear a cone of shame!
  18. to you. Glad you were able to have a little more time with her.
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