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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. If she is a two year old that would mean she is probably not as familar as dogs with long racing careers but it will save the chewing.....
  2. Cooked chicken usually is a winner with some pasta and rice..scrambled eggs and hotdogs are often hard to turn down. Bread is also a big hit usually. Best wishes on a speedy recovery...such a scary time for you.
  3. I think a lot will depend on how mellow the Chihuahua is....if it is young and in the greyhound's face there could be challenges. They very well may just ignore each other. I have had little and big dogs for a while and never had any problems. There is no fluff with the Chi's so I think the greys see them differently than a cat.
  4. Aww...poor crazy boy...I really really hate them too!! Good luck on a quick removal...I am sure he will forgive with plenty of treats!
  5. Dee....so very sorry for your loss of beautiful Lady.
  6. Steve...So sorry for the loss and the pain....
  7. Ditto....not all dogs are meant for all homes....
  8. I have a mixed breed who just turned 15 as well...she is doing a lot of pacing at night. During the day I usually come home and find her sacked out. But in the evening...she paces and wants to go outside about every 30 min it seems. I have been to the vet with her several times and nothing is physically wrong. I haven't tried any meds but have thought about it. Hugs...I know how frustrating it can be!
  9. greysandmollie


  10. I would just keep my eye on her...either fast her tonight or feed a little chicken and rice. Hope she is back to herself soon...welllll...maybe not completely herself with the food stealing!
  11. What a wonderful picture...look of pure joy!! Hugs to you and your family.
  12. My dogs have loved it...didn't notice any problems. It is very high in protein so I have been using it sparingly since I have a dog with some protein issues.
  13. greysandmollie


    From the album: greysandmollie

    Cody Signature
  14. No advice Kari but hugs... Thunder is lucky to have found you.
  15. Colleen...No experience but wanted to say...I hope you find something that helps. I have used pred for Mollie off and on for years for allergy issues. It does increase appetite is what I have been told...when I did chemo for Rascal they encouraged using it to get him eating. Mollie is a beast on it...she will take food out of my hand pretty much. Hugs to you and sweet Salem.
  16. There are lots of other breeds out there that need homes...I am sure you will find the right dog for you.
  17. Not sure how this is helpful or necessary?
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