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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. One idea is carrying some treats in your pocket...nothing makes a dog not apprehensive around you like food. Hopefully some time will make him more comfortable.
  2. Ditto I am at the same spot with my Cody...about the same age exactly...but he has a soft tumor on his leg though. Up until today he was doing really well. The leg seems to be a problem. But the other issues you seem to be having...sounds like he is still enjoying what he can. I have never had one this long and have been amazed how well Cody has done. Best wishes!
  3. Thinking of you both and hoping for a more manageable diagnosis... I treated my first greyhound at age 11+ for lymphoma. It bought him 15 more months. The last few months weren't great months but most of the first 13 were good. He would feel pretty tired the day after a treatment but overall he reacted very well to the drugs. In chemo with dogs my vet described it as not trying to erradicate it but just kicking it back. What I called buying time. You know your boy the best..and you will do what is best. What beautiful memories of his show dog days. How did you end up with him Lucy? I can't remember.
  4. So I let the dogs out this morning and went to get my old man Cody who I have to walk around the house to hear a crying noise which I figure out later is a rabbit that has been snagged in the yard. Dylan is probably who got it and my little chi mix Lincoln appears to be chewing on it. I woke up with an upset stomach so this is not good timing at all. But regardless, Dylan was coughing and hacking like some of it was stuck in his throat. He seems to have settled down now but not sure if I should feed him or if it will come back up. My greyhound I lost a couple years ago killed several rabbits but never consumed so I am not sure what to do. And I will pay quite a bit if someone will come to my house and remove the dead/dying rabbit.
  5. Fingers crossed for Fenway today!<br /><br />And Jackson is an Airedale...agreeing with Beth...you would have to find a muzzle to fit him and for two dogs that have not worn muzzles they might cause a lot of issues with them trying to get them off.
  6. Oh I am so sorry for your losses....Beautiful tribute....
  7. My first dog Rascal lived 15 months from diagnosis...he was six months without treatment until he just went on a downhill slide. Some of it was the cancer...some of it was he just kind of shut down and wouldn't eat. The decision was made when he could no longer get up. He was 12 1/2....<br /><br />He had fought the good fight and was ready...that I knew...it was the only thing that got me through it.
  8. Lauren..<br /><br />Beautiful tribute...<br /><br />so sorry she had to leave so soon....
  9. I have not tried Metcam with Cody...it is such an event to take him to the vet I have been trying to avoid it. The gave me the gabapentin without seeing him...not sure if I can talk them into another prescription or not. He gets such a nut about the shiney floors. Thanks for sharing your experiences...I will talk with my vet. He really was doing so well until we got this extremely cold weather...I guess I need to move to warmer climates!
  10. so what dose are you doing? I was doing 100mg once a day then went to 200mg and did it over a week. Cody has lost weight too and only weighs about 62lbs now.
  11. Question...I have the same issues with my Cody...He is 13 1/2...overall does well but hind end is going slowly and seems worse in the cold. The NSAIDs seem to ruin his appetite. I have tried Gabapentin but it did not seem to make an improvement instead he almost seemed worse. For those who have had success with it...did you see immediate results or is it something that had to build up in their system?
  12. I have a 4 ft fence and have never had a problem with any of the greyhounds trying to go over it....lots of fostering of fresh off the track dogs too. I think you should be fine there. if he is food motivated I would definately bring treats along for walks. That often gets dogs interested and comfortable...we all like to eat I guess! LOL Have fun with him and he will be a totally different dog in a few weeks.
  13. Jay, I am so incredibily sorry that Cody had to go. I was really hoping you had some more time. I can't believe he was 12...doesn't seem like that long ago when you brought him home with the great intent on fostering him that no one believed. hugs....
  14. Jay....I am so sorry for you unfortunate DX....I went through lymphoma with Rascal. We did chemo and were able to have another 15 months together. He did really well with the chemo...only seemed worn out for a day. His primarily showed in his spleen. As far as eating...I feel for you...that is so frustrating. My Cody is just old now and pretty picky...canned chicken is one thing he usually caves in on...it is kind of smelly and he loves bread. Good Luck on a treatment...
  15. Awww..what a great picture...he looks really happy in his vest!! Oh and Fingers crossed for good news!!
  16. Jen...Your devotion to your dogs can not be questioned! Mollie has had chewing in that area before...ended up chalking it up to allergies. My vet also swears that is the most likely area for fleas....
  17. Many Many good thoughts for lots of good quality time for Jilly!
  18. What a fantastic bit of news!! I am so glad that everything is working out!
  19. Congrats!! I am so thankful that you finally got some good news!!
  20. Yes, yes! Mo, I have a list of things I need , wink wink! Oh no....do they know they are going to be covered in PINK!!
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