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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. I had a dog with no anal control for many years. I never diapered him for this very reason. Also tried to diaper a female foster dog once who was in heat....they are not made to fit a dog and she would not leave it alone.... Hope the tail holding will work...or maybe moving the evening feeding.
  2. Oh no...I was worried earlier today when I saw you hadn't updated... Big hugs..so sorry for your sudden loss...
  3. I am so sorry that he is not improving....I hope that you have gotten better news since your last post. I would have to agree that your circumstances don't sound like FCE. After the intial onset with Rascal he only improved. I was told by the vets then that most of the improvement is happening within the first week....
  4. Good Luck! They look like they are having a bunch of fun!!
  5. Congrats on your new boy....he is a pretty boy! Glad he is working on being cat safe!
  6. My first Greyhound had what was after many tests diagnosed with FCE. This was many years ago now....his onset was very quick. One minute fine and then down and couldn't get up. Lost control of bowels and bladder. No control over back legs....he was in NC State vet hospital by the evening. And within 24 hours he was able to get back up but was wobbly. Within 48 hours he was able to walk again. After lots of testing they basically told me that they was not much they could do. We did acupuncture and it made a big difference but the effects didn't last and I could not afford weekly acupuncture at that point in my life. Ultimately his mobility came back but he never regained bowel control. He was only 8 when this happened and over the years he also lost bladder control. But he seemed to feel good and enjoy life so it was all good. I would have thought they might have prescribed Pred for him...if there is any inflammation that would be helpful in his recovery I would think. I am sorry that you are going through this....
  7. I have used dog parks without incident but it realy depends on who else it there. If the mix got to playing too rough we would just leave. The thing that would usually become a problem is if the other dog owners were not paying attention. I think if you stay focused they can be great places to burn off some steam and socialize your dogs. I have accumulated too many dogs to make it practical to go anymore....and fortunately I have a good sized yard here.
  8. So sorry for your loss of such a young and beautiful girl....
  9. Big huge hugs....So sorry for your sudden loss...
  10. Beautiful girl....I really like the name Piper!!
  11. So sorry for your loss....beautiful pictorial tribute.....
  12. I use Nature Domain Salmon and have good luck with it. I have one dog with bowel issues and he does very well on it.
  13. I buy those all the time for mine and they love them...never have had any issues...
  14. Hope you find something he likes...but we both know he is a little nutty! I also use the costco food here and does well with everyone.
  15. My dogs have been on it for a while. They all like it and Dylan who has a sensitive digestive tract does well on it.
  16. Beautiful pics Mo! I am so sorry for all of your families loss....
  17. Hope age is feeling better soon.....Dylan loves to eat some poop too....and he loves some Passion....a match made in poop heaven.
  18. So sorry she didn't get to enjoy her new home....hugs to you and the family
  19. Lots of positive thoughts that everything goes well for Pinky tomorrow....
  20. Beautiful boys....good luck with them...so glad they have each other....sounds like Conan is just what Chesney needed!
  21. What a great tribute to what sounds like a fantastic dog... hugs to both you and Ken....
  22. Beth so very sorry for your loss....he was a wonderful boy and so lucky to have found you and your family.
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