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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. Jen...evidently we are going to stalk you in this thread now... Glad you were able to get someone to the house for consultation. Hope today is a better day for Zuri....
  2. Wayne is beautiful!! Congrats on finding the right fit for your world.
  3. It is still on the couch with the little dog bed....it is Lincoln's fav...he loves to bury himself. He doesn't mind pink....he is secure with his masculinity.
  4. Jen....Only you could get that close up of a picture of that body part! I do see what you are talking about. I would be surprised if that was the cause of the irritation...it is visable but pretty small to bother a dog like you have described. Pixie did have a tumor right on that area years ago...it was a tumor and it was removed successfully and she has never had anymore problems in that area. She is a big licker too but have never seen any other growths. I think that is when you made her the little pink blanket that she still has to this day.
  5. Jen...I would try the rimadyl and see if it takes some sting out that she might leave it alone??
  6. Jan...many big hugs for you and Dave...so sorry for your loss.
  7. Well said...I will Ditto it...as I have had a long work day and can not word together much right now....
  8. Jen, Thinking about you bunches...his lungs being clear means you have some time to figure stuff out at least. You will do the right thing...that I know!! And do the right thing for him....
  9. That is an awesome profile pic of her. Hugs to you and Kali....
  10. Feel better sweet girl... That was for Violet.....but you too Jen!
  11. I was in a similar situation years ago with my first greyhound...he used to go everywhere with me but he had some health issues and was not able to go as many places. I was thinking I should get him a buddy...I found a dog that was listed as a whippet mix....she was young as well and a bundle of energy and neurosis that would fill a book. Rascal my greyhound was pretty reserved and meant the world to me. He never acted interested in Mollie unless they were running around then is was game on but I think he liked her being there. They never played in the house or even slept near each other but it was a nice to have someone else around. I think he thought we got a dog too! They both meant the world to me...losing those two about killed me. Do it....I love the greyhounds but Mollie was just a character in so many ways. It was such a nice balance of calm and crazy.
  12. Wonderful tribute. Thankfully you were in the right place for a dog that needed you when Murray found his home.
  13. Laura.... so sorry your special girl had to leave....what a great life.
  14. What a sweet face...Congrats...I have a rat terrier Chi mix....she is adorable as well and is the best snuggler.
  15. Big hugs to you and Dave... A beautiful and wonderful soul.....
  16. I have a four foot fence and have had many greyhounds and foster greyhounds...none of them ever attempted to go over a fence. Sounds like a great set up...I am sure the adoption group could find you the right dog for your lifestyle....
  17. Sue....sorry for your loss...she was a lucky girl to find you and Greg.
  18. At this point everything is so new to your girl don't worry too much about things. She will try things as they get comfortable for her. My dogs go more than 8 hours often...it is fine for them. If you keep walking her and she gets accustomed to different things such as other dogs she will feel more confident. Maybe try carrying treats with you when she is getting near other dogs so the focus is on you and not the other dogs. Positive reinforcement does a lot for a dog. Hopefully she is food motivated!
  19. He is just gorgeous Steve!! Congrats to you and the family....
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