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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I've had Ryder over extert/extend himself at the dog park and each and every time resulting in a limp shortly thereafter. I've taken him to a chiropractor to get resolved, but still every now and again when he gets a little crazy he pulls something and in we go to get him all fixed up. Chiro has really helped Ryder immensely overcoming his limp. It's never anything serious but it happens to him all the time.
  2. Boy oh boy. This was a sad and amazing update on Merlin. I've always looked at him and thought he's Kasey's twin! I'm so happy to read of his recovery, and I can't imagine going through what you went through, but you nursed that Wizard right back to health there didn't ya? Well done.
  3. I look at this and think you are so brave to have asked for this to be done and waited so long to get the result. <Big Hugs>
  4. Kasey is allergic to chicken, among other things. It was only until I went through multiple food trials that I went raw years later. Problem solved. I never got nearly as close on any kibble as I do with raw. Chicken aside we might have had a chance to get very limited on ingredients but oats and soy and other stuff....really really difficult. Good luck.
  5. Could be a hot spot. Any redness elsewhere, or licking of other areas?
  6. My boys were back to normal within 24 hours for sure. I know picking them up from the vet around 5pm they were woozy for the rest of the night, but by morning they were back to themselves.
  7. Oh no. How awful. Wishing River the speediest of recoveries.
  8. This is wonderful and heartwarming. Sure fire things that work here is rice with some stock, helps keep the dehydration down too, since they are just lapping up the liquid. Pasta always works as well. Have you tried Satin Balls? I think that might be too much, too fast, too soon for that, but it's something different and if you make it smelly enough might be of interest? There are several different recipies around but they all involve ground meat, cereal, oatmeal, wheat germ, eggs etc. and it's fed raw. Continuing the prayers over here.....
  9. I know exactly how heartbroken you are. What a cute little guy and I'm sure he was great to have around! It's fabulous when they are personable like Petyr was! I owned degus years ago, and mourned when they passed. It was difficult for other people around me to understand how I could be upset about my pet rodent passing, but they meant very much to me, as I'm sure Petyr means to you.
  10. Catching up on this thread, how awful and stressful of a situation. Just wanted to offer up my thoughts and prayers to you for Red to pull through and keep on pulling.
  11. Ryder was like this at age 3/4. We took him in for chiro regularly for about a year. Fixed him right up. Not saying that's the fix for you, but that's what worked for Ryder with a similar issue.
  12. I'm sure it's really owie, and he's limping because of that. Ensure that nothing is lodged in there, maybe he stepped badly on a stick. I'm not sure about soaking it in salt water - that might be painful - so I'd opt instead if you can to soak it in epsom salts instead....have him just stand in a tupperware container full of it for 10 mins, and do this a couple times a day if possible. As it soaks, you'll be able to see if something is stuck too, and you can help it out (a thorn or sliver for all you know). He may be licking just because he's irritated from the salt, or even the first aid spray. I usually spray CS on things like this too, and I'd leave it open to the air without wrapping but that's just me. Gentle skritches.
  13. This sounds interesting. They look kind of like greenies....which I despise because they stain. Do these stain?
  14. Kasey was getting a weak hind end for some reason a year or so ago - he started missing our bed after launching, etc and hesitated going up stairs. I figure I would try a supplement and much to my amazement, weakness fully gone after a few weeks. (Of course every case is different). Have you looked into Fresh Factors (by Springtime)? - http://www.springtimeinc.com/product/fresh-factors/All-Natural-Dog-Supplements
  15. The last 2 ribs should be visible, and they look like they are. Most ppl that aren't familiar with greys don't know any better. Just brush the comment off as best you can. About the hip bones - Ryder's hip bones remain visible even as he got excessively tubby.....so you can try to get rid of those, it just might not go completely.
  16. What a difficult position you are in. I unfortunately have no input, but what a heartwrenching decision you need to make, either way of re-homing or living in a divided household. Much luck to you!
  17. I'm sorry to read about his sudden passing.
  18. Nice find, alas another that doesn't ship to Canada....
  19. Kasey ripped one of his back nails (not dew claw) off his paw, twice, and both times it was yanked. Cannot believe the amount of blood that comes from a nail bed though. My stoic pup made not a sound. Couldn't believe it. We now call it his lucky fin. Vet applied krazy glue to seal it up and badaboom badabing, all done. A dew claw must be 100% more tender tho! Merlin I'm sure is loving all the love you are spreading his way and all the fuss you are making over him. Miss seeing you on here, stop by more often!
  20. The only thing that has ever worked for me is Dermoscent, from the vet. Spendy but wow does it ever do the trick. Stops the flakey skin and strengthens it and produces beautiful fur and growth in places you didn't think it would grow. I've also had good luck with coat growth using Springtime's Fresh Factor, but not necessarily stopping flakey skin.
  21. Oh no. Not Seamie. What a truly sad day. I'm sure he's got his sooooouuuuu chef hat on and is standing in front of an oven as we speak, making his favorite cookies for all his friends up there.
  22. While Ryder is no where near this level of fear, he's very fearful of anything like a compressor or a nail gun when we are out for our walks. It's game over if he hears any inkling of this and pulls to the point of choking himself back to the house and quickly as possible. If he ever got loose, I'd probably never find him again, so I know how you feel for sure. I've been able to try to get him over this by very long, sensory stimulating walks. I know Zhivaya probably can't handle that, as most that are that fearful wouldn't be able to. One hour, very tiring walk, with exposure to cars and buses and people and noise resets Ryder's clock and he stops looking at rooftops for roofers with nail guns. I really wish you all the best. I know it must be so disheartening.
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