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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Re: x-rays - do they have to heavily sedate him for this? I've only had x-rays taken when they have been under for a dental. Kasey didn't really recover well from the last one, and I was advised not to go through that again, so I'm not putting him under again from risk of something dreadful happening.
  2. Sorry for that CS - colloidal silver It's basically water, with silver in it. The spray, which also comes in gel format, can be applied multiple times during the day. It helps reduce infection as it pretty much eats bacteria, and speeds the healing process. I don't know where I would be without it. Also, when used orally for my pups, have pretty much gotten rid of his gingivitis. The properties of CS is fabulous!
  3. Yikes. Even if it's not the Frontline.....putting anything near that would bother me. Can you opt for another oral med instead? Have you tried spraying it with some CS?
  4. So he's acting perfectly normal this morning. If it's corns - that's one thing, and that's really for me to deal with and not the vet IMO. (Last night I soaked his paws in epsom salts, treated them for corns, and grinded his nails - just to rule out anything to cause limping). If it's joints well that's the pain med thing. He was licking his knee last night. He's done it before, but I dunno if that's a sign. There is zero heat in his front leg joints. Now I dunno what to do. My weekends really are the only time I have free to deal with this sort of thing, and I'm on the fence - what if this happens during the week? Regarding the allergy meds - we've tried Vanectyl-P, and it wasn't something that worked for Kasey - I think it was also big time expensive if I remember correctly. Also Robaxin - I cannot find the basic version for the life of me anywhere - I wanted to buy some for Ryder but can't find it at the pharmacy.
  5. Great vid post.....I found benching to be the most interesting. Thanks so much for posting that.
  6. So I think tomorrow I'll be making a surprise visit to the vet with Kasey to try to manage some of his pain. Whether it's from joints or corns, he told me tonight rather clearly he's had enough. He's incredibly stoic when it comes to pain, so the fact that he showed me he couldn't stand and was limping too much means, it's time. First time ever he's held a paw in the air, and then the other, and then limped to the door to go pee. It came completely out of nowhere, he was sleeping for a few hours prior to this. Completely freaked me out! We've been battling corns for about 2 years (one on each front paw), but the are so solidly within his paw pad, I cannot even break them down to try to remove them. The best I can get is to file them down. This, coupled with old age and signs of arthritis during his checkup in May, I think it's the start of regular pain meds now. So, what should I expect at my visit? What should I ask for? He's 11, will be 12 in Feb. He's on prednisone, a very light dosage (10 mg a week) to control allergies for many years. What works/doesn't work with this? What is a low dose med for arthritis that isn't very expensive? Can I perhaps consider a regular anti-inflammatory? Hoping to be armed with some info before I walk in the door tomorrow. Thanks all!
  7. Thanks folks. Another avenue stymied for me by allergies! Phooey.
  8. I just did some very quick research for keeping on weight. I looked up Ensure and since it has soy (which Kasey is allergic to) he can't have any, however what else was recommended for weight gain - Avocado. Does anyone know how safe feeding avocado is for dogs?
  9. Kasey can never keep weight on, I could overfeed him for months and I'd be lucky not to have a third rib showing. He'll be 12 in Feb! Ryder on the other hand, if I look at him wrong he gets fat! I know your struggle and your worry. You aren't alone. Keep us updated.
  10. How unimaginable. No idea what set him off I guess? So traumatic for anyone to see or hear I'm sure, people and horses alike. I'm so sorry.
  11. I spoke with my vet about Kasey at his annual checkup this year in May. He's 11. We agreed no further vaccinations. His three year rabies shot was administered last year I believe so he'll be good to go for the remainder of his life regarding that. I will still keep him on Heartworm meds that have flea protection however.


    How devastated you must feel and how sudden this was. Bear is now pain free at the bridge.
  13. Best of sleep for you tonight. Might be a long one....keep more beer handy....
  14. I'm dealing with limping from Ryder for years off and on whenever he decides to get a little rowdy. I would guess he pulled a muscle...I'm sure if you did the splits you might not feel good a couple days later


    The video of playtime was fun to watch. Cherish that. God speed Eden.
  16. When I was doing my research years ago to get Kasey to stop, other than behavioural issues which I believe it is, I commonly came across the fact that they will eat their own feces to get more nutrients. We moved after about one year of Kasey becoming a poop eater, and started walking him instead of letting him in the yard and that for sure stopped the problem. Every now and again though, if he comes across some (cat for example in a garden on our walk or at my parents house) he seems to be just DRAWN to it. Alternatively, if you think the image of you running around in the middle of the night is funny, go and grab some cayenne pepper and sprinkle it on the poop that's outside. I heard that is a deterent too, but I've often wondered how much of a tool box I look like, sprinkling seasoning on poop in the backyard!
  17. Been there, done that, even the frozen variety - poopsicles! Our vet had us try Forbid, however that didn't work for us, but it might for you? Kasey wanted to poop at night on purpose so he could sneak a snack! Gross I know, but I totally know where you are coming from.
  18. Oh my word....... they couldn't blame the dryer that's for sure!
  19. Ryder is awful at this manueuver. I laugh at Kasey all the time because he over extends his whole body when squatting so he has no chance of hitting his paws. If your pup has a boo boo on the paw, I would just clean it up when you get back and put some CS on it to avoid infection. Maybe soak it really quick in some epsom salts to get the pee off (or just wet a papertowel). Before I kept CS on hand regularly, I had ouchless wash by Bandaid and would saturate the area to make sure it was clean and that was that. It works fabulous on paw injuries. Good luck. I think the squatting isn't something you can train out of them, but you could encourage them to pee near posts or bushes when on walks....just stick near the vertical items and see if they sniff and go!
  20. Kasey is 11 and I would say he started panting more about 2 years ago or so. While I want to suggest it's heat related I think (diagnosed by me) it's closer to a mild case of laryngeal paralysis. When it's not heat related, and I know there is no way he's hot and he's panting, I definitely connect it to the LP. Even when he gets excited that I have come home for the day after work, he can work himself up to the point where he is still panting for an hour or so later, and Ryder is just fine and has calmed down back to normal. Sadly, this also makes me reluctant to play with him because it takes him SO long to calm down! What have I done to control it? I run the A/C and make sure the house is never more than 24C when I'm not home, I ensure there is air circulating by a fan on the floor so it's not stale whether or not the A/C is on or not. If he's really not calming down, but he's laying down, I wipe his paws with a wet facecloth so he'll try to feel cooler. His bed is like a denim kind of material, so it isn't a fabric that retains heat - I find that is something to consider too. I am reluctant to let him in the basement because he's older and I worry about how he climbs the stairs to get back to the first floor, but that was something we would often do to cool him down. I often discover him not lying on a bed at all, but rather on the floor, I guess it's cooler. Also, I try not to walk him when it's incredibly hot outside and when it is, his time out there is limited to just sniffing to do his duty. It's just a "getting older" type of thing.
  21. Kasey does that too.....and at the edge of the lawn....usually RIGHT where the sidewalk and grass and road all meet. You will learn the idiosyncrasies once she is settled into your home. Everything is very new and she's trying her best to learn the routine. Just be consistent. They are likely unlike any dog you've ever been around. Kasey first played with a toy after we had him for a year. Ryder, he took to a toy in about 3 minutes. They are all different.
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