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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Good to start your research early! Lots of knowledge here and knowledgeable people, but I'm afraid you might be convinced to adopt before 2015 if you stick around long enough. You just keep perusing the Cute and Funny section to see all the pics..... Enjoy!
  2. Oh this is extremely saddening. Goodbye George. Run fast and pain free.
  3. Kasey kicks in his sleep....and usually kicks me in the butt. After he rolled over after roaching and fell off the bed a couple times, he seems to have learned his own lesson and now doesn't sleep with me anymore. Everyone gets a good nights sleep now. Trust me, I totally sympathize with you. And congrats for moving across the country - where to? It better be BC.....
  4. OMgoodness. Prayers for no pain and healing up riteawayquik.
  5. I'm not sure about the rash on the belly. Maybe a spider or bug bite and he had a bad reaction to it? Did you try putting some vaseline on it to sooth the skin at all, since it doesn't look broken, but it really does look irritated. Maybe even some calamine lotion? I third the stud tail. Kasey has it too, nothing to be concerned about other than it looks funny.
  6. I warm it up in a measuring cup and add it to the pups food. A tablespoon or so. Unfortunately I have yet to see the results of the stuff, but I know some are die hard fans. I have tried it by adding oil to water when boiling their pasta too, and I didn't like the taste when I tried the pasta. To each their own. Please post your results!
  7. I have heard (and done) rubbing aspirin on the site of the sting helps relieve the pain....might want to check it out.... Make the area wet and just rub the aspirin right on the site. It didn't do a friggin' thing for me because, I still had some of the stinger embedded in my foot. I had to go to the dr a couple days later and she soaked it, saw the black part and broke it up with a tweezer. I soaked it for a couple days and it came out, but breaking it up was the important stage. I'm not sure how to find a black stinger in a black paw.


    She had a wonderful life and was extremely loved.
  9. I might also suggest, turn mirrors around that might be in the room if you are able. I know Ryder was really timid if he saw his reflection since he thought it was another dog and didn't want to walk into his space. Every thing very very new, you will need to give her some time to adjust. Every grey is different.
  10. I use a cheapie carabiner, but it's only to hold poop bags!
  11. I'm so sorry to read this. <Hugs>
  12. Agree with salivating.....this is right next to bright yellow bile first thing in the morning. Might want to try a pepcid for a bit of acid control. OR cookies at bedtime and/or first thing you wake up.
  13. I wonder if by leaving it on all day, if that would lessen the working impact of the shirt the next time you need to use it? I have one for Ryder and it doesn't work for him, but you never know if it would provide a lot of comfort during the storms when you aren't home. Good luck.
  14. At 10 years old, X-Rays. Ryder at 3 had a limp, in fact has a recurring limp, and when he was in for a dental at around 4, I got x-rays done and they didn't show anything, so I was cleared to use a chiropractor. The chiro has done incredible wonders for Ryder, so I would suggest, if the x-rays turn out to be clear - you could start going to a chiro to seek some relief. I wouldn't have believed how successful it can be if I never seen it with my own eyes. Alternatively, or combined really, consider using some joint supplements. They helped both my boys when they started receiving it regularly. Those are my thoughts and I wish you all the best. Good luck Jackie!
  15. Kasey hated the crate, Ryder LOVED it. Every dog is different. If the adoption agency suggests a crate and no exceptions, it's likely in the best interest of the hound.
  16. I'm not sure how I missed this. This is sad. Dammit.
  17. Similarly to above - mine sometimes lick raw onion off of our plates as scrap.....they are still living and breathing just fine.
  18. I'm curious too. Someone told me to stay away from the split variety because the way the bones are cut..... thoughts on that? Do they splinter or something?
  19. While this is an interesting problem, I'm sitting here smiling (pardon me) for picturing Henry just standing there growling at Truman, and Truman is clueless. AWH...... like "what is your problem dude, eat your food, I don't want it" lol
  20. Hard to say at such a young age. Kasey had similar symptoms/issues - turned out to be acid reflux. Have you tried some pepcid?
  21. Have you tried to kong site? I looked at it earlier this week by chance and they have recipes on there! Freezing also helps because they have to work for the goods that much longer.
  22. I bought this. http://www.maapgh.com/greyhound-corn-cream.html It seems to help my boy through the "pain" because it has a bit of anti inflammatory in it. It also softens up the pad more, so it doesn't hurt as much when they are walking. I have yet to be able to successfully remove the corn, however it does seem to be helping him manage and walk.
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