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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I've taught Ryder to carefully stalk bunnies while on leash with me. Kinda fun to see how close we get. Nearly sniffing tail is our record. He used to wear a harness more often so I would be able to keep a better grip. If I can hold him back and he weighs nearly more than me! I'm certain you can get to a control point. Because I was able to do this, he never darts after them anymore as he knows he can get closer and his excitement builds if we go slow and not fast. We see bunnies on nearly each walk so the fact it happens regularly is a key factor. Easier to train that way.
  2. Just wondering if you've ever thought of getting him to a chiropractor now that he's relatively healed up? It's one of the few things that ever helps Ryder and limping and I've spent countless hours listening to the chiro folks about how and why things happen, and how to make it better. Just a thought if x-rays are clear and you'd be willing, chiro might just ve able to shake the rest of it off and work towards prevention.
  3. Yeah, a little bit of that self sticking vet tape just around the top should do it, great stuff.
  4. I as well am wondering how she's doing now.
  5. This can be done under light sedation, enough that the dog is immobile, but doesn't have to be completely out. It is incredibly risky if the dog moves and this level of "outness" is determined by how comfortable the vet is in doing this injection. Some vets inject in a different location (I believe there might be three.....) Keep in mind that this injection also has to be done every few months, so you have to go through this sedation part every few months as well. I was not fortunate enough to get around to trying this, but I was on my way before cancer took Kasey. The issue you might have though is that no one will be willing to do that particular injection without first diagnosing the condition with an MRI.
  6. I am so sorry. We are all thinking of you and are giving you the biggest of hugs. Ajax is pain free, the poor boy is now running like the wind.
  7. Your home and lifestyle sound like they will benefit perfectly with a greyhound. Both my boys love their hikes and walks but they also enjoy just sleeping. I'm thankful in a way, I've got 2 types of dogs in 1 body. Good luck.
  8. I'm so sorry about his degradation that is happening so quickly. Can you up his pain meds, and keep him quiet? Agreed that a lump is a pretty scary thing.
  9. I'll take a browning nose over the cancer any day!
  10. Ryder started picking up after me, which taught me to stop leaving my socks and bras out around the house LOL Isn't there a photo here of a lime green bra sitting out in the middle of a yard (not mine!)
  11. As suggested above the meds might be making her queasy. If she's not trying anything (I don't know how long this has been) I agree with the above and taking her back for a recheck. Odd stuff does happen, better to get it resolved sooner than later. Gentle scritches to her.
  12. Ha! He's already testing you! If you don't want him on the couch, best to establish that sooner rather than later so he won't get confused. Hoping you come home to zero accidents today.
  13. I have never experienced this before so I can't offer suggestions other than to ensure you keep it clean. Something is obviously irritating her though. I love colloidal silver for this. If you are able to get some, try to spray it on her affected areas to keep bacteria away and promote healing.
  14. Removal of 5 teeth would certainly make her mouth tender. Is she on any meds to help with the pain she is experiencing? Perhaps she needs a higher dosage. If she is being fed kibble, completely soak it with broth or water until it is mush. Broth mixed with very well cooked rice is a good idea too, it will keep her from getting dehydrated as the broth will encourage her to eat.
  15. Pepcid every day, twice a day in my house! Have you ever done Satin Balls? Kasey also thoroughly enjoyed those. Satin Balls Full Recipe. 10 lbs cheap hamburger (high fat %) 1 large box Total cereal (about 12 cups cereal) 1 large box uncooked oatmeal (about 15 cups oats) 10 raw eggs. 1 15oz jar wheat germ. 10 packages Knox unflavored gelatin. 1 and 1/4 cup vegetable oil.
  16. He sounds stressed so he'll need time to readjust. They can be highly sensitive to changes in their routines and environment. Welcome to grey ownership!
  17. Tough pickle decision for sure. He is likely in the least dehydrated. Withholding food is a good idea. Puking immediately after drinking a lot is common for Ry too, so give water in spurts. I think in your situation, I would wait, but that's just me. Wonder what the cause is. Kasey once got violently ill after having a turkey neck, which previously was never ever an issue. Just happened to be the wrong day or something. The fact that everything else is seemingly normal to me, means that you can wait to see someone more trusted.
  18. Kasey seemed to enjoy the high caloric gastro canned food by Royal Canin. Mind you one day he'd touch it, and the next he wouldn't. The amount of different foods he had during treatment was pretty incredible. I also added Forti-Flora to his food, which something about the smell encourages them to eat, but also tries to put their system back on track (Pro-biotic). It's simply a powder you add to their food. I put a little package on every meal. The unfortunate thing about trying to get things into them they aren't used to often results in upset tummies. So it's hard to figure out which is the worse evil. He also quite enjoyed eating lentils, which was great because he was getting protein and iron to help rebuild his blood cells. Oh, baby food was also a hit.....different varieties, because one day it was pasta, but the next it had to be squash or something. I'm certain though that the picky eating is because of an upset system, they just don't want to ingest anything if they feel like poop. I can't blame them either honestly. Good luck!
  19. Topical Dermoscent worked very well for Kasey when I used it for his allergies. The fur was nice and fluffy and the skin seemed to be better. I mention this because he also was able to grow some fur on his bare bum!
  20. Going to try robaxin and gaba together this morning. His robax dose is 625mg and I think I'm comfortable giving 150mg gaba (that would be two 2mg per pound for him). I know Kasey went that low when we started it. Makes me a bit nervous to do this without a vet consult but I very curious to see if this helps today.
  21. I just gave him 150g now that i'm home and can monitor him. He was still super stiff when I got back home tonight. We'll see what tomorrow has in store. What will be nice is if I have magically found a fix for his extreme stiffness that metho was only mildly helping. Poor guy. You know its bad when he's not at the door to greet you when you get home. He was at least standing on his bed tho, so was able to get up but not much more.
  22. Took Ry out for a very very leisurely walk along the waterfront. He was in and out of water the whole time, drinking, laying etc. One part of water was just a short jump down (like 2 steps high) to beachfront. He went down and back up no problem. Towards the end of the walk we visited the same spot, except this time he failed to jump up. His back end completely gave way and he almost got wedged between the rocks. He came away unscathed but this as usual was more than his regular activity. Anticipating this, I gave him Robaxin before departing this morning and gave him another when we got home, 7 hrs later. He's continuing to struggle to get up, and I know this will pass like it has times before, but LS is just in my head, after witnessing Kasey with it. I have some Gaba leftover from Kasey. I wonder if I should give Ryder some? He is in pain of some sort and I've always said muscular but this time certainly LS is coming into play. Back ends just plain don't give out like that. Thoughts?
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