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Everything posted by DesiRayMom

  1. Desi takes it all.....nutraceutical, nsaid, Gabapentin, occasional Tramadol. He will be 13 in Oct. gimpy, some days getting around the block is a real effort, but he's still walking, and for me that's a win.
  2. Welcome, Mike. Have you chosen the girls yet? Or do you just know you want 2 girls?
  3. Welcome Lisa & Gus! So how are the first few days going? Are you totally smitten yet?
  4. Happy Homecoming, Cocoa!!! What a lovely girl..........many years of happiness to you both!
  5. Happy Trails, Angel. My sincere condolences to those who are missing you.
  6. Well, that handsome lad can certainly be my best friend! Welcome!
  7. What a full and wonderful life he shared with you. I'm so sorry it had to end. Enjoy your peace, Kasy......may you have acres & acres of beautiful green grass to run and no life jackets ever.
  8. I totally understand. With me, it's been 14 months, and not a day goes by that I don't think of Skeeter with a smile, or a few tears. I want to believe this means his spirit is still "around"........I just can't see him. Hugs to you.
  9. When I saw her name, I thought......oh no, not Beth! I'm so sorry.....I know your heart is well & truly broken.
  10. Such a special lady. Somehow, the world manages to put us together with that "special one." You were both blessed to have had each other for a good long time. My sincerest condolences.
  11. Oh no...........Happy Trails Bullit. There is another handsome angel at the bridge, but more than a few broken hearts left behind.
  12. Ah Jeez......what sad news. My sincere condolences for the loss of your sweet little girl.
  13. What a sweet grey face. I'm so sorry. Happy Trails, Jet.
  14. OMG, I can KNOT believe someone just dropped off that sweet faced dirty old man. Here's hoping that the best part of his life is yet to come.
  15. Happy Trails Miss Peanut. You've left a mighty big hole for such a little girlie.
  16. Happy Trails, pretty girl. Rule heaven with a velvet paw.
  17. Here's my 2 cents..... I had an allergy dog years ago, and as I am more of an "instant gratification" kind of girl, rather than months of "trial & error" I bit the bullet, coughed up a credit card & had him allergy tested. In that case, he was allergic to anything green, grass, weeds, trees, etc. but his highest numbers of all were dust & storage mites. I wound up managing him quite well by wiping him down with a wet towel when he'd come in from outside, and becoming a much better housekeeper; frequent vacuuming and religiously washing his bedding (and furniture throws) weekly. The moral to the story is....once you know what you're dealing with, then you can get on with the dealing. Otherwise, months of trial/error may drive you crazy. Good luck, hope you find an easy fix.
  18. What a beauty! She knew where she belonged, and used her feminine wiles to get there. Congratulations Ivy.....may the rest of your life be as happy as you look right now!
  19. This is one of those things that is absolutely miserable for a few days, but brings a lifetime of relief. So glad everything went well. Hope she's back to Herself, only better, quite soon.
  20. Well, here's the thing.....we never did figure out what it was. Treated it for SLO, no change. Treated it for fungus, no change. Treated with antibiotics, several kinds, topicals, jeez, I can't even remember what all. Oh, tried different foods, too, thinking it might be a food allergy. He wore baby socks to keep those spots clean. At any one time, several toes were affected. all on different feet. The vets were stumped. I work at a vet clinic, and a drug rep came in for a lunch/learn for Atopica (cyclosporin) for skin issues. I showed him photos of Desi's feet, and of course, he'd never seen anything like it, but offered me a few boxes of Atopica for free just to try. Started out taking it every day, then every other day, then 3 times a week, etc. By the time the 3rd box was gone, his feet looked much better. He finally got down to once a week, and stayed there for a whole year. By that time I was buying it myself, and the stuff is expensive, so I tried weaning down even further, then would forget a dose or so, then finally just quit. Cyclosporin is an immune suppressant, so who knows what it really was, but it's fixed now. He's not been on it for several years, and has had no further problems. Your guess is as good as mine, but it worked.
  21. Does it look anything like this? If so, let me know......I fought this on various toes over the course of a year or so before I got it straightened out.
  22. Happy Trails, NIco. My condolences to those who are missing you.
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