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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I've been fostering since 2002 and took a break this year for a while. This weekend, I had 3 fosters This is what I do with an off the track hound (everyone does things differently). I have a crate set up in my dining room which allows the foster to see me and my hounds most of the time. When I get the foster home, I let them check out the yard. I have him/her meet my hounds outside. If it's not too hot, we spend some time outside. Then I bring the foster inside and lead him to the crate. I throw a treat in and usually they walk right in. I tell him to lay down. I start on alone training and go about my business. I find alone training the first day is crucial and I've been lucky and most of the fosters have not had horrible SA. The first few fosters, I screwed up alone training. I wanted to lavish attention on them the first few days so when I went back to work, they freaked out being alone. Lesson learned Good luck and have fun. I obviously left out a lot like teaching stairs, windows, walking, etc.
  2. I just started Passion on Grain Free NOW but it's lower fat so that won't help you.
  3. I skimmed so sorry if you addressed this but I wouldn't leave him alone ever with your other hound. Diamond has space aggression and I deal with it by leaving him alone in my bedroom with the door shut when I'm not home. He's also crated at night in my room. Muzzle him I'm sure others will have advice but that's what I would do ASAP until you can figure out what is going on.
  4. Oh no, just saw this. Hope they can figure out what's going on. They took x-rays of Sparks leg without using anything to sedate.
  5. Passion had her 2nd acupuncture appt today. I'm lucky that she loves to go to the vet. She will go every other week. I suggested every week but vet said every other for now. Her first appt, she had back end tremors the entire time. This time she didn't get them until about half way through the appt.
  6. Guess I should have looked at the food I'm feeding her, it's 20% protein and 6% fat. doh
  7. I found this so just need to pick a kibble http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/best-dog-foods/suggested-low-fat-dog-food/
  8. I've had Passion on the healthy weight Kirkland food for a few years after she had pancreatitus. She hasn't wanted to eat it lately and since I'm almost out, thought I'd switch food. I've noticed she tends to try to eat more poop when she's fed this kibble. She can't eat the poop in the yard but will poop in the house and then eat it (stinker!!). She needs low fat kibble and I also need low fat treats. Her LIPA was elevated yesterday (1800) so I need to get her some better treats. Suggestions would be appreciated Thanks ----------------------------------- UPDATE 6/29/12 Saw the vet today and she suggested that she get kibble that is turkey or whitefish based. suggestions?
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish I could have met him. Give Kevin a hug from me
  10. It's manufactured in MN but not sold here...
  11. I really feel for you. Lucky is scared of so many things. I've had him 4 years and he still freaks out in new places, the vet, ceiling fans, windy days (will refuse to go outside) and now he won't go outside once it's dark (stupid fire works!!).
  12. Passion has not been herself. I even debated not bringing her to the walk for animals on Saturday but I did. She had a blast. There's nothing physically wrong that I can see that is wrong, she's just "off". Hard to explain. I called the vet on Monday but couldn't get her in until Tuesday. Brought her to work with me Tuesday and she didn't make a peep. Even my co-workers said she wasn't herself. At the vet, she was chatting away so that was normal. I got the impression that the vet thought I was totally over reacting. He did a full exam, poking and proding (she loved it)....when he touched the left side of her pelvis, she about hit the ceiling. That was the only pain reaction he got out of her. He did an adjustment and acupuncture. Told me to let her rest for a week and walk her half what we normally walk. I think the fact that I was right that she wasn't feeling well, makes me feel so much better. I could tell at the vet that she wasn't putting balanced weight on her left side. Anyway, too soon to tell if she's back to her normal winey butt self. I doubled her Spring Time Joint stuff and am giving her a tramadol once a day. At the vet
  13. I work in a nursing home and bring my dogs Fri and Sat. Some times they won't get up to greet people and the people get upset but I just tell them they are tired
  14. Is your house cooler at night? Maybe she's chilly and it's harder for her to hold it? Just throwing that out there. My former foster is here for a long weekend. She gets her mom up at 2am every morning to go out. She got me up at midnight last night. It's her routine which I'm not thrilled about but it's just for a few days for me. Her mom allows it.
  15. Where can I get some? I need them for a foster.
  16. She slept good last night. Me not so good. I took a half day at work and have her with me here now. She's pretty mellow which isn't normal for her at work. She likes to go meet everyone and she didn't do that today. My boss accidently stepped on her foot. I was in tears hearing her scream. He didn't mean to and said he was sorry. She whined on the way to work and I was so happy to hear that. She really didn't make much noise yesterday. Thanks everyone
  17. I was just thinking that I will bring her in. I want her lymphnoids checked anyway. She hasn't slept at all today plus I keep making her get up every hour. She loves all the treats but not the poking and proding that I'm doing or the flash light in her eyes to check her pupils. She's laying next to me on the couch. I can't settle down. I just took some drugs because my head still hurts. Wonder if I should give her a baby asprin?
  18. I just made her get up for a treat. One of her back legs slid out from under her and she's not walking 100% normal. She wanted that treat though so that's a good sign. I just keep hearing that "crack" that her head made and the stunned looked on her face when she just laid there. I have to do laundry and dishes. Anything to keep my mind from thinking about it or I start crying all over again. I learned that I don't function under a crisis when it's my dog. When it's someone else's I'm calm. Good thing to know.
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