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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I put this on Passion as a joke. It's a pop can koozie. She's a major talker and nothing stops her (although I don't try to get her to stop since that's just how she is)
  2. I was paying $80 a session. Then a friend told me about a place that was a little closer to my house and the vet has greyhounds! $120 first appt and $53 each session after.
  3. When I had only Passion and Sparks, they were fed in a different room from each other- I would do that for your pups as well.
  4. OMG Kim, I read your posts there How horrible that you went through that with Rainey.
  5. I use both for Passion but what really did wonders is acupuncture
  6. I applied the frontline the day we got him and the following day I gave him a bath. The frontline looked like it had been absorbed all the way and the Shampoo I used was "flea drop friendly". I only got 1 dose of the frontline for him from the rescue group, So I don't have anymore frontline to give him right now. But I do have Parastar that I got from my vet for my other pup. Should I give him a half dose of the Parastar to be on the safe side? I would do any more doses until it's been a month, just to be on the safe side.I don't use Frontline on my hounds but my fosters all get it.
  7. You should probably keep an eye out for tape worm from the fleas and check him every few days for more fleas that would have hatched.
  8. When did you give him a bath? I don't usually bathe 48 hours before or after using frontline. I also give capstar and that kills fleas within 1/2 an hour.
  9. like you, I'm convinced Rainey's seizure and brain issues came from her last rabies shot, which was about 3 weeks before her first seizure. I'm glad I saw this. I wasn't planning on allowing Passion to get any more shots but for sure not after reading this! In 2 more days it will be a month since her last seizure. I didn't know she had one!!!!! crap. sending her and you many hugs! It was a grand mal and horrible. I know you can relate. not trying to hijack but... I just looked up your posts and saw that she will be 10 in October....and is more vocal than she used to. Rainey's first seizure was in August prior to her 10th birthday. AND she had pancreatitis as well AND she became increasingly more vocal (that started maybe 1-2 months before the 1st seizure). :( we used green beans (I'd just defrost the frozen cut beans) and give those as in-between meal treats as she acted constanly hungry too -- they were low fat and she liked them. sending many, MANY MANY prayers that she doesn't have any more seizures. I tried to find your posts about Rainey but they must be gone. You never figured out what was causing them, right?Passion is actually acting more like her old self. She doesn't seem overly hungry, not drinking a lot and not whining as much as a month ago. She's also not needing to be with me every second. She still lays by the door which is a new behavior. I guess she thinks if she lays there, I will take her with me when I leave
  10. like you, I'm convinced Rainey's seizure and brain issues came from her last rabies shot, which was about 3 weeks before her first seizure. I'm glad I saw this. I wasn't planning on allowing Passion to get any more shots but for sure not after reading this! In 2 more days it will be a month since her last seizure. I didn't know she had one!!!!! crap. sending her and you many hugs! It was a grand mal and horrible. I know you can relate.
  11. like you, I'm convinced Rainey's seizure and brain issues came from her last rabies shot, which was about 3 weeks before her first seizure. I'm glad I saw this. I wasn't planning on allowing Passion to get any more shots but for sure not after reading this! In 2 more days it will be a month since her last seizure.
  12. I'm sorry it hurts so bad. I do know the pain If you have his picture on FB, just open up the picture, right click and pick copy. Then just paste it here on the page. That's how I do it.
  13. Passion has an Elvis leg too. I took her for acupuncture and it hasn't happened since.
  14. I've had Lena 13 months and her SA is 100% better. Yes it can get better with time. Congrat!!
  15. Diamond poops at least 6 times a day- that's just him. The rest poop twice a day. I wouldn't worry about it.
  16. Perfectly said. As to the sling mentioned above, if you are anywhere near NYC I will give you the one I have on hand "just in case" if the meds work and you need help moving your boy. Give him time. Give the meds time. Give yourself time. I haven't read all the posts yet but I borrowed the sling from her for Sparks and it worked fantastic. I use it for Passion. She got an adjustment and acupuncture. Made a huge difference! Good luck
  17. He's done, waking up and will be ready for me to pick up after 3pm I usually never worry about my fosters but he had a seizure at the track so I was a tiny bit worried.
  18. I just dropped him off for his neuter. Lots of good thoughts for my foster boy, please. He's such a sweetie and I got lucky fostering him. He's been so easy and hasn't marked once in the house (which is a miracle)
  19. Hope they can figure out what is going on.
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