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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. Thunder started phenobarb Sept 26th after having at least 10 seizures in less than 24 hours. He'd already been on zonisamide for 5 weeks. Test results on 9/26 showed the zonisamide was in therapeutic levels so it just wasn't working to control the seizures. I took him in yesterday for his 30 day check up. Got the results this morning Phenobarb level is 23 Glucose 97 ALT 43 Alk.Ptase 62 Albumin 2.9 Urea N 24 Creatinine 2.1 I also had a full thyroid panel sent off to MSU. Results will be a few weeks. I am really hoping the phenobarb controls his seizures. I think the neuro vet will wean him off zonisamide now. Because I always take pictures, here's some from the vet yesterday On the way to the vet Waiting for the tech to come back with more cookies. Give me more cookies or I will zap you with my laser eyes
  2. I had a full thyroid panel done for Thunder yesterday and sent to MSU.
  3. I went back through some of the hypothyroid threads, and lots of people advise to email the results to the OSU Greyhound Wellness Program and Dr. Jean Dodds of Hemopet. Do they look at the results for free? OSU has a free (for now) consult page. They are going to start charging $50 but it's still free now. Here's the link https://greyhound.osu.edu/consultationservice/
  4. Can you describe them? They sound like Thunders. On Sept 26th, he had at least 10 in less then 24 hrs. The first one was while I was at work and it was so violent that he busted out of the wire crate. The next one was at 6:30 pm when I was home. He was thumping on the floor in the other room so loud that I knew right away. He had 2 in a row. The first one, he just kicked and arched his head back. He foamed at the mouth. It didn't last long. Then he tried to get up but had another one right away. The 2nd was really bad. When he started to come out of it, he was trying to race around the dining room and was crashing into everything. When I tried to hold onto him, he growled/snarled at me and tried to bite me (he was muzzled). Then he had another one around 10pm, we were in bed. It started with him stretching and he screamed. Then he kicked his back legs like he was running in his sleep and foamed at the mouth. We left for the e-vet after that one. He had 7 more at the vet. I get his drugs at Costco as well. I now have him in a plastic crate for his safety. I kinda want to put something on the top (like a plastic glass) so that if he has a seizure when I'm at work, the glass will tip over and that's how I will know he had one.
  5. A couple of Thunder's seizures happened when we were in bed (I wasn't sleeping, he was sleeping) and I thought he was just stretching. Now every time he stretches, my heart jumps.
  6. The e-vet told me that Thunder had a seizure where he just chomped his mouth open and shut. I never would have guessed that was a seizure. I watch him like a hawk now but still unsure when or if he's having one unless it's a grand mal or focal since those are bad.
  7. Are focal and grand mal diff types of seizures? If so, Thunder has had those while at the e-vet. Sorry Henry had a seizure
  8. The vet suggested keppra for Thunder but it's not possible for me to give 3 times a day, When Thunder started on phenobarb, he was different too. Passion was horrible on phenobarb the first month. She got better though. I'm still waiting for Thunder to get used to the meds. Hope this helps control the seizures. Please keep posting what is going on. There are a lot of us dealing with seizure hounds.
  9. Passion does this on a daily basis. I'm sure I have a video some where too
  10. Passion used to bite me in the butt when I first got her. OMG- I lost count the times she did that to me just as I was getting ready to walk down the stairs. I swear she was trying to kill me
  11. what kind of peeing are you seeing? with Rainey, the DES was fine with all the other stuff she was on but she was on it for a long time before all the other stuff cropped up. the wet kind of pee Sorry, what do you mean? sorry! I guess I meant when .... with Rainey, she started urinating (and defecating) whenever we'd leave -- even if it was just for 40 minutes. We'd make sure she did her business before we'd leave but no matter what, she'd pee and poop while we were gone. This only started near the end (and the seizures), before that she never did that in the house. Oh The 2 times this happened, she was laying in bed next to me. She looked at me, whined and then I felt wet. She does not pee in the crate when I'm at work.
  12. what kind of peeing are you seeing? with Rainey, the DES was fine with all the other stuff she was on but she was on it for a long time before all the other stuff cropped up. the wet kind of pee Sorry, what do you mean?
  13. My vet suggested DES for Passion but I'm not thrilled about adding another drug. I asked if peeing hurts her (medically) and he said no, just her pride.
  14. Yep and Rainey was older, like Passion is so I didn't think they would get hyper.Passion has plenty of other side effects from the pheno so I'm glad hyper isn't one more on the list It could be the weather but then I'd think all the hounds would be acting crazy but they realy aren't.I need to try to get a video of it. It's so funny. His legs are going all different directions as he races around the yard and he's not 100% steady either. Pretty funny to watch. Passion side effects did get better but her "talking" didn't go away course she did that before the pheno
  15. Thunder (2.5 yrs old) started phenobard Sept 26th and I've noticed he's become very hyper. I mentioned it to my vet (who is not thunder's vet, he has an appt in 2 weeks with his vet) and he said he's never heard of a hound getting hyper on it. So anyone with a younger hound notice them becoming hyper? He's also very vocal and with Passion on pheno as well, my house is pretty loud some times I just mentioned the hyperness to someone on a FB group that I'm in. She said when she was on pheno as a kid, she got super hyper
  16. He emailed me this morning that he is returning him so I will go pick him up after work. Doesn't sound like he wants to try another hound when I suggested fostering.
  17. I am pretty sure I will be getting my foster back
  18. The foster is not on any meds. He had frontline on the first.He eats Purina. I am not itchy, just the new owner. I just asked the adoption rep if she's talked to him. She said he gave him a bath and he's still itchy and he doesn't want to take allergy drugs.
  19. I don't know if he's willing to do that but I will suggest it.
  20. He said he's had dogs growing up but I think this is his first dog as an adult.
  21. The guy that adopted my foster emailed me that he's allergic to him. He said, "I'm having itchy eyes, scratchy throat which I thought just might be seasonal. But I'm also finding that my hands itch after petting him and I'm actually getting little hives on the backs of my hands until I wash them after petting him." We told him to give him a bath but he said that didn't help. Any thoughts?
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