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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I thought the same thing Mine are on Kirkland from Costco, no issues at all with any of them. I don't see any problems with lack of fur. Diamond and most of his littermates are pretty bare. Less to shed in the spring Ask for a copy of the blood work. I always get copies for my pups to I can compare year to year.
  2. Passion is crated, the boys are in my bedroom and muzzled.
  3. It's a bruise. I would just keep an eye on it. Lucky had a bruise the other day that I wasn't sure where it came from. Then I remembered Diamond accidently landed on him so it might have been from that. It was gone after a day or so.
  4. Passion whines because she can
  5. Vet just got back to me and told me to keep giving the clindamycin (which I was going to) and check in on Monday.
  6. I emailed a pic to my vet but haven't heard back yet. That's what I'm worried about is that this ABT isn't going to work for her eye. Her poor face looks mis-shapped.
  7. I don't have cats anymore but I have had up to 8 hounds at a time. They all get fed in a different room so no eating the others kibble. Passion ends up in the bathroom. It takes a little extra time to feed them this way but I know for sure that everyone is eating just their food.
  8. Sparks had 1 dental his entire life and never needed another one. He went to the bridge in Feb at 12 yrs old. Lucky just had his 2nd and he's 5 yrs old Diamond has had 1 and he's almost 5 yrs old. He doesn't need one any time soon. Passion is 9 and she's had 2 dentals in her life time. Lena my foster is 3 and just had her 2nd dental. I am not good about daily brushing but they love bones once in a while. I started to use plaque-off on 10/1 I use petzlife spray on Lucky because he hates his teeth brushed.
  9. I pulled a bookcase away from the wall and put the cat food against the wall . The dogs couldn't get to it to eat it and the cats had a safe place to eat. Sounds like you need a different baby gate. Can you baby gate him in your room at night? Mine are baby gated in my room otherwise they will pee or poop in the living room.
  10. Here's a picture of her eye this morning Her poo face looks misshapen on her left side
  11. Rough night, she was in pain I did give her tramadol around 11:30 but it took a while to kick in. She snuggled with me all night. This morning the swelling is down but her eye is really tearing. It's now swollen on her jaw line. She ate just fine. She's not as bouncy as usual but nothing else is abnormal. Poor girly I did hear from my vet last night and was told not to worry since she's on antibiotics.
  12. My vet doesn't recommend elevated bowls because of bloat. Lots of different opinions out there. My eat with their bowls on the floor.
  13. Lena had her dental on Wed and had 1 tooth pulled (abcessed). I noticed under her eye that it was a little swollen that night but it's really bad now. It's the same side that her tooth was pulled. I've just emailed my vet and he's pretty good about getting back to me with in a few hours. I'm off work in 15 minutes so wondering what I can do or if there's anything I should do? She's due for her antibiotics and pain meds when I get home. Should I try to put heat on it? Leave it alone? freaking a little thanks
  14. This morning Alarm goes off- Diamond goes nuts I just lay there Diamond barks at me I just lay there Diamond jumps into bed and curls up next to my head I move, he jumps up and off the bed onto Lucky I look at him and tell him to sit He sits I start to get up and he jumps up on me I tell him to sit He sits After a few times of this, I slowly get up and he's just standing there Progress? It was better than normal
  15. Thanks to Jen for posting this thread Clicky In the morning, Diamond goes nuts when I wake up. He knows when I'm awake too, even if I just lie there and not move. He starts jumping all over the bed and the dogs laying there. I have bruises on me from him jumping on me. I have tried to lay there but then he starts barking at me to get up. This is how I get up- I hold my legs out under the sheets so that I can push him away from me. Then as quick as possible, throw back the covers and leap out of bed. The whole time, he's jumping so my legs get scratched up Some times I can grab his collar and hold him away from me. Now I'm got little miss nipper on my other side and she's jumping on me too. AUGH!! Any suggestions on getting him to stop? If I could sleep with the squirt bottle, all I have to do is reach for it and he runs away. I never have to squirt it.
  16. Thanks Jen for posting this thread Clicky Post your suggestions to get Lena and Diamond to stop nipping me and bruising me. The love bites were cute at first but dang, they hurt when they nail a senstive spot Right now, they are muzzled but I'd still like them to stop.
  17. I just realized I didn't get charged $80 for blood work that my regular vet charges. I know they did blood work since I asked for a copy for my records.
  18. I'm so sorry. She had a wonderful life with you
  19. I keep pain meds and antibiotics on hand so that usually saves me close to $100
  20. Lucky had a dental today. Quote was $600-$800 with extractions. He didn't have any extractions but they did xray his mouth to make sure. Total bill $400 Here's the breakout Biohazard waste mgmt $5.25 Fill mouth radiographs $177.30 Dental $170.00 Fluid set up $88.20 He gave me a discount that I just noticed $-40.00 Passion had a dental last summer with 13 teeth removed. Total bill was close to $800
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