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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. My brother had to let Ed go last night. It's really hitting me hard. We had our family x-mas gathering Sat night and he said Ed's not eating (cancer dx a few weeks ago). I said I would bring some meat over. I went over Sunday and he wouldn't eat the venison that I'd cooked in the crock pot or the beef tripe. I knew it was time and hoped that my brother realized it too. Back in 1999, I was there when Ed was born. My brother and family were out of town (I think) and so I went over to keep an eye on Sammy because she was due. Ed's mom Sammy died a few years ago, also cancer. Ed was an awesome dog. He loved the water and would spend hours swimming at the cabin. My brother taught him to clean up the weeds at the bottom of the lake on the swimming beach He taught him to "fetch" the neighbors morning newspaper and return it when my brother was done reading it. The neighbors all knew Ed and loved him. My brother is in construction and Ed went to work with him almost every day. If my brother dropped his hammer, he's tell Ed to get it for him. Ed was so smart and loved everyone. When I stopped over, he would spin, jump and whine like crazy. He never did that to anyone else. He knew his auntie. When I went over Sunday, he was excited to see me but only wagged his tail. I tried to hand feed him but he was done. He was ready to go. He loved to be outside and that's where he was laying when I said my good byes. I told him I loved him and told him he was an awesome dog. I told him to go find his cousin Sparky and his mom Sammy. A couple pictures from Sunday night, The picture my brother took at the vet last night. Ed, you are pain free and swimming and running again. I will never forget you and will always love you. -your auntie updated Wednesday- My brother is having a rough time, please keep him in your thoughts. Breaks my heart to see him hurting.
  2. Sparks had a staph infection for a few months one summer. He was on cephalexin for a couple of months.
  3. I had a foster bring fleas this summer. They were a bitch to get rid of. I'm still paranoid every time the dogs itch. I used capstar first Adam's flea spray once a week I vacuumed every couple of days (wood floors) Washed the dog beds, blankets, my sheets I also sprinkled DE on my mattress, the dogs, the couch, the floor, dog beds, my car and my yard. Then 2 weeks later, fleas again so did it all over again. So far, I haven't seen any since that 2nd time.
  4. creatinine range is 0.5-1.6 ALT range is 12-118 AST range is 15-66 HGB range is 12.1-20.3 HCT range is 38-60
  5. The paperwork is in the car, I'll check later
  6. Dr Stack's website only has these 2 listed: Hgb: 19.0 - 21.5 Creatinine .8 - 1.6
  7. Bloodwork in Sept showed his liver results were slightly elevated. I started him on milk thistle. Going back to get blood work done again. Hopefully it's all normal. ---------------------------------- Got his bloodwork back and his liver values are still high along with a couple others Here's his history 2009 ALT 47 AST 37 Creatinine 1.8 HBG 21.1 HCT 64 2010 ALT 47 AST 42 Creatinine 1.9 HGB 22.2 HCT 63 Sept 2011 ALT 249 AST 62 Creatinine 1.6 HGB 22.1 HCT 64 Last night ALT 165 No AST Creatinine 1.7 HGB 22 HCT 61
  8. I have an xpen you can borrow but I suspect he will just push it over to get out of it (if he doesn't want to stay in it.)
  9. Vet said she looks great so now just wait for test results
  10. Have you used melatonin at all? Mine shed like crazy when I was giving melatonin although I haven't given any for a few months and they are still shedding
  11. I caught Lena snacking on crap this morning. Seriously?? She's gonna have to wear the duct tape muzzle now too
  12. Passion had her blood work done in Sept and her lipse was slightly elevated. So I watched what she ate and cut back on the treats (much to her dismay). She yacked over the weekend and once last week which is a symptom of pancreatitis so I'm taking her in today to get blood work done. She's acting fine otherwise but last summer when she had pancreatitis she never had any symptoms. Poor little girly- no treats and no more eating poop, what kind of life is that?
  13. I just bought these online and they arrived on Friday.If you do get one, order a large or jumbo. Amazon's product info states that a medium holds 3 3/4 cups, nope just barely 2 cups. Going to return it and get the large. Another thing, I feed my 3 each in a different room. That slowed them down alittle since they weren't hurry to get into each other bowls.
  14. You should be able to tell by looking at her back teeth. Are they clean or crusted with plaque?
  15. Lucky just had his first one (he's 5) and I don't want to ever put him under again. He had a rough time The vet actually had me get him right after they were done instead of waiting the 3-4 hours like they normally do.
  16. Passion was limping the summer before last. I was sure it was osteo. Turned out to be a bone infection in her toe. Send the xrays to OSU.
  17. When I had to soak Passion's toe, I used a ziplock baggie and put her entire foot in it.
  18. Passion is a huge whiner. I don't really notice it much anymore unless someone points it out
  19. I'll try this tomorrow but OMG I have to pee so bad in the morning
  20. He does get a lot of exercise every day. He hauls a$$ around the yard 4-5 times a day for a few minutes each. Then he passes out. He also loves, loves to play fetch. He will play for about 1/2 an hour or until my arm gives out. I'm lucky that he plays well alone. He will throw his toy around outside a lot. He does not play with his brother or sister. He either plays alone or wants me to play fetch. Goofy boy. The sit in the morning is not working. He's just too damn excited.
  21. Diamond goes out about 5 times in an hour
  22. I love, love those clips. I got them from LongDog Leather http://www.longdogleather.com/index.cfm?content=54&Menu=28 scroll down I give them to friends when they tell me they love them. I need to order more since I'm out. My hounds and fosters wear these in the house. http://www.daveengraves.com/daveengraves_020.htm
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