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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. I've been there myself recently. My Lila is not new, I've had her for 6 years, but after a bad spell of road construction, thunder storms, then fireworks, she became a bit of a recluse. Just like your guy, after all of that even the smallest noise would send her to her hide out and she was hesitant to even eat. She is content and calm in her hideout however. Because of that, the only treatment I've used is time and patience and a bit of tough love. I did give in to her desire to eat off a paper plate in the living room because eating is important, but other than that when she was hiding out I left her alone. Treats and snuggles were only delivered outside of her hideout. I'm lucky that she's got impeccable potty habits so I knew she would go out when she needed to. If I asked and she didn't get up, I didn't force her. It's meant some middle of the night turn outs, but struggling to make her go out when she didn't want to didn't gain us anything. It took at least a month until I had my normal dog back. If he's got periods of happiness and calm, I'd probably wait it out. If he doesn't want to walk, just go out for potties and then back in. Extra yummies in Lila's bowl got her eating out of it again. Lots of praise when he is doing good! But if he is never able to relax, it's probably time for a vet visit to make sure nothing else is going on or a short term medication to help him get over it. Good luck! I know how hard it is to see your happy, loving dog disappear.
  2. Cow parsnip? http://dnr.wi.gov/wnrmag/html/stories/1999/jun99/parsnip.htm It's all over the place, there are warning signs on the trail I walked Lila on today. It sounds like dogs can be affected, especially those with light or sparce fur. Greys fit the sparce fur part. Hope you can figure it out.
  3. Lila enjoys her "salad" as well. She's really picky about which grass she eats and it never makes her sick. When she's out grazing she's totally deaf to my calls for her to come back in.
  4. Fromm has a few chicken free options. https://frommfamily.com/ Prices online are way higher than what I pay at the local feed store so if you can't find it locally some of the 4Star varieties might be more than you want to pay.
  5. Go pee, go poop. She knows them both. I had to use them this morning since it's pouring rain and she'd rather have just come back in, but I need to go to work. I'm long past caring what the neighbor's think.
  6. Put it on command. When he does go say whatever you want the command to be (go pee, go poop), do use separate commands for each, then have a little party with treats or play. After some time he’ll catch on to what those words mean. Obviously, you can’t make him go if he doesn’t have to, but it is a handy reminder. I use it when I have to leave and I need Lila to pee because she’s going to be alone for hours or if it’s raining and she’s just standing by the door.
  7. That is awesome! I wish that everyone faced with this horrible disease could have this kind of outcome.
  8. Poor Allie is probably wondering why she got a reduction in her rations.
  9. Lila will eat peanut butter, but I think she does not like the feeling of it on her tongue. After she eats some she will lick her leg or blanket or bed - I assume to clean her tongue.
  10. Call animal control or whoever handles animal complaints in your area. If the Poms are leaving their property it should be a real violation of some sort. If it’s all just communal property or something at least you will have officially recorded the situation and perhaps the animal warden could convince the neighbors to do something. Maybe carry some sort of Pom deterrant. I have heard of people using the mace-like spray but maybe something like a water gun or a can full of pennies would be enough. Or a broom, although my greyhound would freak out if I was walking her with a broom in my other hand. I’m glad to hear you have worked through the SA issues successfully!
  11. My Lila once scared me half to death. I had just fallen asleep and I hear her scream out in the living room. I was trying to hurry and get out of bed and put on my glasses so I can see what I expect to be a dog bleeding or with a broken leg. But there she was rolling around on the floor scratching her ears with her front paws. I can only assume she got poked with her dewclaw. Moral of the story, it only takes a small wrong move to hurt a sensitive ear.
  12. Lila is one of those perfect dogs with no real issues, so I've got just one small annoyance. She wakes me up 15-20 minutes before my alarm goes off. She only asks to go out when she really has to potty, so I don't want to ignore her so I get up. But with such a short amount of time before I really have to get up I can't go back to sleep and I'm just up for the day. I almost wish she'd get up an hour before my alarm so at least I could go back to bed.
  13. What an interesting mystery. And it's only further proof that the people of Greytalk know everything!
  14. I'm so sorry! Murray always looked so content and relaxed in your photos. That just shows how much all of your work with him paid off.
  15. Fromm has a number of varieties in their Gold and Four Star lines that have no beef and no grain. http://frommfamily.com/products/gold/dog/#can
  16. Lila eats Fromm Gold Large Breed Adult and does great on it! I like that they are a family owned company here in Wisconsin. They have a buy 12 get one free program and if you sign up for their email list they send occasional coupons.
  17. Fromm has a number of foods in their Gold and 4-Star lines that are bird free. http://frommfamily.com/ They are a high quality, family owned company right here in Wisconsin.
  18. I don't have any suggestions for you, but if you end up in this area and need anything, let me know.
  19. Thanks for taking this guy in! I'm sure some good food and lots of love will have him feeling and looking better soon.
  20. Go with noodles instead? They are so much tastier.
  21. I am so sorry. That picture of his foot on yours -
  22. Jerilyn

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