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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I used Revolution when I got my cats from the side of the road. Never saw a flea again.
  2. If I'm not mistaken greyhounds hearts are larger than other dogs proportionally. Is the vet greyhound savvy? If not, the dog could be totally average.
  3. My boy is intolerant of chicken and lamb. I/D continued to give my boy diarrhea. He tried 8-9 foods before I found Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream. He still poops as much as a horse, but at least it's pretty solid.
  4. She still may be eating too fast. Try putting a kong or something in her dish for her to eat around. Also, is her dish elevated? If not, elevate it.
  5. Avocado is poisonous to dogs, so that could be the problem.
  6. Just to make you a little jealous, mine have slept til 4pm. Have you tried feeding dinner closer to bedtime? Thats how I trained mine and all my fosters to sleep later.
  7. Holy moly! Poor guy. I have seen allergies to cause bacteria infections. Probably from scratching and bacteria getting into the wounds. I hope he and your wallet feel better soon.
  8. We got a dog into our group who ended up having clotting issues from a TBD. Thankfully we caught it before his neuter. He went on Doxy and after ? long he was fine and able to have his surgery as the clotting issues went away. Is your vet doing pre surgical blood work? You can always ask to test for clotting issues. On the paperwork for our dog we had actually written that he was a bleeder (or possible bleeder, I just can't remember exactly what I wrote). The vet heard/saw that he may be a bleeder and did the necessary blood work.
  9. I agree with everyone about giving him more exercise. I also want to add that from what you describe I don't hear of anything aggressive that he is doing. He is trying to get you to play. Maybe inappropriately if he's growling, but it still only sounds like play behavior to me.
  10. I know this is old, but pumpkin made my boys diarrhea worse. So don't assume it will help with anything. Try it and go from there.
  11. They just haven't built up calluses yet. As long as they don't bother him it's fine. You'll need to build up to be able to long walks on pavement and other hard surfaces.
  12. Are they an angry pink? If not it's ok. Some dogs just have pink pads.
  13. She'll be fine only eating once a day especially if she's getting a kong. To get my boy out of bed by putting a color and leash on him and making him get up. He would love staying in bed until afternoon if I let him.
  14. I would be most concerned that she hasn't peed for 24 hours. She also shouldn't be that groggy.
  15. I'm not sure why you're so adamant about the muzzle since it's just another tool. It may be good only because the itching isn't providing any relief and may be making him worse over all. Have you tried giving him benedryl?
  16. Get abdominal x rays there could be masses in the belly causing the pup not to eat. With my dad they thought they got clean margins but in under 2 years it was everywhere. He had 5 or more masses in his stomach causing him not to be hungry. I know dogs are different, but there are similarities.
  17. My father had a soft tissue fibrosarcoma. Unfortunately that's how he died. Based on my limited experiences with that and from what I've heard about osteosarcoma it seems that most sarcomas are aggressive. Also, the first place it seems to metastasize to is the lungs. Have you had xrays done of the lungs? Good luck and I hope things go well.
  18. Zukes has some dental bones that are nice. I don't know how long they'll last though.
  19. Wow. I'm glad you got to him when you did. I hope he gets better.
  20. Damn, that's cheaper than I pay. I'm on amytriptaline for sleep (that's the biggest side effect). I wouldn't just switch, but if the vet gives to go ahead, then that's great. Just a warning that it knocks most people out and I wouldn't be surprised if it does the same to dogs.
  21. Good. I've been told by my sister who's an MD that if you throw up in under 30 minutes of taking meds you can usually retake them, but after that you can't. If it's borderline then I wouldn't risk it.
  22. Thanks, I knew it was combined with something, but it just wasn't coming to me.
  23. If you've been to the vet regularly, your grey is probably vaccinated. I think most vets do it automatically. I know there are some vaccines my vet discusses with me about whether I want them for my dog or not (things like lymes). And there are others that the vet lists off as he prepares them. I know parvo is in the one he lists off, but I can't think of whether it has a different name because it's a mix of meds.
  24. I just had this talk with my vet. If you use a preventic collar, heartguard plus and comfortis it will kill ticks and fleas. There is nothing topical, but there is the preventic collar which I already use and feel very safe around. I don't feel it leaves any type of residue even when I touch it. I still wash my hands after I really handle it but I'm not peranoid if I'm petting the dogs.
  25. It looks like a bruise to me. Bu gets them when dogs step on him in the car.
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