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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I feed natures domain from costco, which is very similar to taste of the wild pacific stream. It's fish based and has done wonders for my boy.
  2. Have you heard of the thundershirt? I haven't tried it, but I do throw a coat tightly on my foster when he's afraid of the thunder.
  3. Yes, it could be a UTI. It could also be a bladder infection, diabetes or a kidney problem. It's best to get him seen by a vet.
  4. A kong works as well. So does a big rock or an upside down cereal bowl put in his dish first. I add water to slow them down as well.
  5. Don't worry, she and your bond will be fine. Just keep the wounds clean. Unless she's licking a ton I wouldn't bother wrapping them up. If she starts licking a lot, put duct tape on the front of her muzzle and keep her muzzled. As for her trust, some stinky treats and a love session should make up for everything. How tight did you wrap her legs? Could they have been too tight making her uncomfortable? Once she's calm, let her out of the crate and pretend nothing happened (she will know if you are still freaked out, so take some time and calm yourself down too). She will come around. Also, don't use the crate as punishment, I'm not saying you did, but overall it actually makes them hate the crate.
  6. I know some greys that just don't enjoy walks and some are just to lazy to care. Have you tried putting her leash on her while shes lying down, saying lets go and start walking?
  7. Search the forum. I think I read its safe, but people said to make sure its frozen for a period of a few months at least to kill anything it may have. I could be off but I know if you search here you'll find answers.
  8. Accidents happen, but please take the pup to the vet. My Sailor got his tail closed in a door in his last home and the vet said she saw the bone and most of his tail had to be amputated 2 days after the incident due to infection.
  9. I've been happy with revolution and the preventic collar for the last 3 years. I am probably going to switch to comfortis, heartgaurd plus and the preventic collar though to help prevent more intestinal parasites since the dogs go all over with me, I foster and I'm a pet sitter.
  10. I agree with the above. Also, in the morning before work try to take him for as long a walk as you can. The more tired he is, the easier the training will go.
  11. It could be a UTI. They can definitely have blood. That said blood coming out can also be signs of other big issues so getting him sooner than later is important.
  12. I gave one pill the other day and the dog did fine. He ripped open a bag of food while I was out and overindulged so I knew what was wrong and within a few hours he was fine.
  13. Did this start when you switched his food? If so it's because his poop smells better now (to him at least). Definitely try the pineapple. Also try to pick up every day. Does he usually throw up after eating poop? If it's not common, use the regular kennel muzzle and let him eat it. The kennel muzzle won't collect poop like the other muzzle. Have you tried teaching him to ring a bell when he needs to go out?
  14. Read the ingredients in her food. There are probably fruits and veggies in it. You can give those as treats.
  15. Unless it's a puppy food, you definitely need to be feeding more than the bag recommends. Does she ever have puppy energy? If not there may be something wrong and it could be she's not getting enough food. She could also be going through a growth spurt and I find that they grow height and then weight, then height again. When they are gaining height, they tend to look extra skinny, but she it's really hard to tell without seeing her. Did the vet do a full exam to see how she was doing or did he just give shots?
  16. Mine only wear them on walks so I don't really care too much. I do prefer the lined, but have many that aren't and they work just as well.
  17. How much you feed depends on the dog and the food. I feed 6 cups a day to one of my dogs, but for most dogs that is WAY too much. My other gets about 2.5 cups a day. As for wetting the food, it also depends on the dog. Bu chews every piece of kibble he eats and doesn't need the wet. Sailor (he eats less) scarfs it down and I do wet his food to slow him down. If the dog eats really fast then I think water is best, but if they eat really slow then water isn't necessary.
  18. Bu sometimes does this to me when he wants food.
  19. The drontal is obviously not working, why do you keep giving it? In my experience panacur is more successful at treating hooks. I have no idea if it's ok with drontal, but there's no need for both so I would stop the drontal and switch over.
  20. Sounds normal to me. Sometimes dogs just kinda throw up seemingly for no reason and are totally back to normal afterwards. I tend not to worry about one vomit episodes. I start to worry if there's a second and once there's a third I'm definitely worrying. Just like us they can get upset bellies. Do you add water into his kibble? If he doesn't eat kibble often then maybe this is because he's eating it too fast. Water can slow his eating down which can help the belly.
  21. I had s clients dog do this when he your hours acl. Out progressively got worst though until he wasn't walking out off
  22. I would definitely try to avoid chicken. If ID didn't work then there is almost certain a problem with the dog eating chicken. I had to put my dog on a fish based food and he's doing great now.
  23. Definitely make sure you get a second and even possibly a third opinion. This is a common genetic condition in toy breed dogs. That said, I have sublux shoulders. It's when the ligaments are to loose and the joint pops in and out of the socket at it's will. I had the option of surgery or PT. The PT strengthened the muscles around the joint making it more able to hold the joint in the socket. I would see if maybe some aqua therapy or some other therapy could help strengthen her leg and help hold everything where it needs to be.
  24. My dog is a healthy weight and getting the necessary calories to be healthy. My body image has nothing to do with me wanting to keep my dog healthy. As I said, I don't give in. I wait until I'm ready to feed him and he's lying down and calm before I feed him. I just wanted to make the transition a little easier on the sweet boy.
  25. I don't have experience, but I thought it was called Wobblers. I hope you find answers soon.
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