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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I do ignore him. I wait until he's lying down before I start getting his food ready so I don't give in when he's demanding. He is also scavenging for food and stealing things which he didn't do before. He eats 2-3 cups a day. Most greyhounds I know only eat 2-3 cups of Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream a day. I am watching him and will adjust the level of food as needed based on body condition. He is a very dainty male and I like my dogs lean.
  2. I want meal time to be easy. I do give treats when the dogs are being good and when I leave, but I am not one to enjoy giving treats as a mandatory thing. Treats are just that, treats. I know not everyone feels that way, but that's how I feel. I also don't really like giving carrots because they don't digest them well as seen in their poop. I will do it for now until he adjusts, but I have 3 dogs in the house for now they are on 2 different foods and that may be going to 3 foods soon, all 3 dogs have very different feeding instructions and I sometimes have petsitters. Adding more complications to meal time is just a PITA. Also, if I'm constantly HAVING to add food to their food why am I even bothering trying to feed a balanced diet. (Wanting to add food to their food is different.)
  3. Did you have to continue the carrots forever? I'd really like to wean off of additions. I'll see how he does on the 2 1/2 cups a day and go from there. He's pretty dainty. I thought about breaking into 3 meals a day, but I'd have to adjust his eating and his potty schedule and that's a pain.
  4. You could take empty soda cans, fill them half way with change or rocks, tape them closed and place them all over your bed especially near the edges. When he jumps on the bed, the cans will fall and scare him. Tinfoil could work. Or underbed storage containers. Get 2 or 3 and put them on your bed when you're not around. They are light, easy to stack out of the way and will block him from getting on the bed.
  5. As I said, he has always let me know when it's time to eat. Since I switched his food he's telling me it's time to eat HOURS earlier than he used to. He is always up for eating, but when it's not meal time he usually just chills out and waits. So him scrounging for food hours before it's time to eat is not normal for him. He's a petite boy at 65#. His weight is good and from what I've seen of greyhounds on the same food 2-3 cups a day is normal. I will of course adjust as needed by keeping a close eye on his weight. I've slowly brought the amount of food down over the 3 weeks of switching food, but that doesn't seem to help at all.
  6. He has always let me know when it's time to eat. I would ignore him until he was calm and lying down and I was ready to feed him, then I'd feed him. Now he is telling me it's time to eat hours before he used to (and hours before it is time). I already know how to make him feel fuller. I'm really just asking if I would be able to wean off the additions or if that's a lifetime commitment?
  7. Hi all. I officially adopted Sailor in July. He has been eating about 4-5 cups of Pro Plan a day. I've switched him over to Nature's Domain slowly (it took 2-3 weeks). He is now eating 2-2 1/2 cups a day and always hungry. (He was always hungry on the Pro Plan too.) I know I can add in green beans and some pumpkin to help fill the belly without adding many calories, but is this a long term thing? Am I always going to have to add stuff to his food or will he adjust to getting less food? He's a good weight, so I don't want to increase his food and make him chunky.
  8. It doesn't sound like kennel cough to me. Could he have a blockage? How does his belly feel? If it gets any worse I'd get him to the vet asap. It wouldn't be a bad thing to bring him in now, but that's up to you to decide.
  9. If her teeth are that bad, she needs the cleaning. There is always a risk and you need to take it. Her mouth is probably infected and will only get worse. The infection could spread and could cause heart and other problems. If her mouth becomes too painful she could stop eating and if you wait to long after that she won't have the strength to make it through surgery. I'm actually surprised the vet let you wait until it got that bad. Where ever you go it may be worth seeing if the vet recommends presurgical antibiotics to help the healing process.
  10. You can make your own. Blend up some yogurt, bananas and peanut butter, put in small containers and freeze them.
  11. Bu likes to lick the tags on his collar while he's wearing them. It's actually impressive to watch.
  12. Bu chews every piece of food. Sailor chews a bit, but swallows a lot whole. As long as their not choking, I don't think it matters either way. The chewing takes much longer though.
  13. Can they tell you if it's acute (one time occurrence) or chronic (lifetime)? I hope he feels better soon.
  14. Your vet diagnosed a staph infection by inspection??? That sounds absolutely ridiculous. Either a scraping or blood work should have been done. What kind of vet is this?
  15. I had a foster that didn't like her butt being sniffed by new dogs. She would pretty much attack a new dog that went right for her rear. When we met new dogs I made sure she was muzzled and I would explain to the owner the problem. WE would let the dogs sniff nose to nose for a brief second. More of a hello than a sniff, then we'd go for a walk together being careful to keep the dog away from her rear. After a walk my foster was much better with the new dogs.
  16. He probably never had to go while on leash. Think of it as stage fright. How long are your walks? Can you make them longer? Or walk him, come inside and 30 minutes later walk him again rinse and repeat until he does what needs to be done. It may take a little while for him to adjust, but once he does it will get easier for both of you and you won't need to be out as long.
  17. You can try benadryl. Did your vet do a skin scraping? There could be infection our even mange.
  18. This doesn't seem unpredictable to me. Hehas had space issues for 2 years and he usually has an disposer every couple months. So this month he has had 2. I'm sure the household dynamics have changed and he has picked up on it and that is probably whats setting him off. Let sleeping dogs lie is something to live by.
  19. My foster had tendinitis in both shoulders. His gait was off without a noticeable limp. He was very stiff. x-rays didn't show anything. An MRI may have, or may not have shown anything. He had 2 sets of cortisone in his shoulders and is doing much better.
  20. I don't know about her past and you probably never will. I'm a pet sitter and I've watched labs who usually eat with gusto and because their owners aren't there will barely eat. Give the new pup time to settle in. Hes been through a lot recently and he needs time to feel safe and part of the family.
  21. The Costco brand dog food is also made by Diamond and is also supposedly very similar to Diamond Natural. So if you are going this route it's worth looking at Costco as well.
  22. latin and possibly asain markets often carry them.
  23. Get a fecal sample to the vet. You may need drontal or panacur. Plus youre yard may now be contaminated if he has worms. Putting him on a bland diet may work as may pepto bismol, but deepening is the only sure thing if he actually has worms.
  24. My boy is way too lazy for all that activity. When w would go to the dog park, he would crawl under a picnic table and nap. I'd pick him up at daycare and find him napping. Maybe it's more than your guy needs and he just wants to stay home and nap.
  25. Putting revolution on my cats killed all the fleas in the environment very quickly.
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