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Everything posted by HeidisMum

  1. My friend is using Bravecto with her 4 greyhounds with no noticeable side effects. I just picked up some for Betty today. The topical flea stuff really throws Betty off for a day after applying it. I don't know if it is the chemical smell or something she can feel, but she just seems off (pouty and sad, if that makes any sense) with the topical solutions. We had been using Activyl due to the Frontline Plus not preventing fleas around here. Betty was due for her heartworm pill today, so I will wait 2 weeks before starting the Bravecto for flea control. I usually try to spread any medication out a week or two apart instead of giving it all at once. That gives me a better idea about which med is causing any side effects if there are any. Good luck at your first vet visit. He should get over any trauma when the treats come out. Betty is a treat snob and refuses to eat treats from the vet until they pull out the meaty treats or the peanut butter pill pockets. It's funny to see her spit the regular treats at their feet and just stare at them until the good treats come out, lol.
  2. Thank you. I do any of these coupons/rebates and donate them to the local all breed shelter. They take all brands and mix them together into one big bucket of random kibble.
  3. This is fascinating to me. I don't want to watch it and hope I never experience it personally, but I don't at all reject the idea. Getting past the yuck factor would be quite hard, but I like these ideas more than the idea of putting man made chemicals in the human body when nature has created something that can work as well without all the possible side effects.
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run free Kebo.
  5. I feel for all of you. It took 11 months to get rid of the hook worms that Betty came with. We tried Dontral plus and Panacur. We had no luck with either one in any dose. My vet contacted the scientists at Idexx (one of the major labs that process dog tests). They said to give Strongid 5 days in a row, wait 3 weeks, do 5 days of Strongid, wait 3 week, do 5 days of Strongid, wait 3 weeks then do a fecal test. It finally killed the live worms and any that hatched during the process. That finally cured her. Betty's stools never firmed up until a few weeks after the worms were finally gone for good. Good luck. It can be a long, frustrating, expensive process.
  6. Thank you for sharing. I lost my Heidi to lymphangiecstasia as well.
  7. I would bandage it and wait until morning. My thought is that if it needs to be taken off then waiting until morning won't make it any harder for the vet. But, I tend to under panic on things. Heidi was a booboo magnet. She came in bleed all the time and always right after regular vet hours. I quickly learned that if it doesn't require immediate surgery and I can stop the bleeding then it can wait for morning. I hope the wizard feels better soon (and you can get some sleep tonight).
  8. We had 1.5 years after the first symptoms of Lymphangictasia with IBD with my first greyhound Heidi. I am blessed to have had that time and credit that length of time to varying doses of prednisone and metronidazole. Medication and diet can help to control it. The meds and food that work for one pup won't work for a different one, so you are left with trial and error to figure out what works for your pup. My only advice is to stick to any diet that works for your pup without exception. If you find something that works do not stray from it by even one kibble. It is much easier to maintain a remission than to get a flare up back under control. I'm sending all the healing thoughts possible.
  9. Thanks for the heads up. I found the rebate form online. I might just do this and either mix it in with Betty's regular food or donate it to the local shelter. Free is good
  10. Oops. That should say Mexico is in North America.
  11. I don't feed raw hides, so I'm no help there. But here is my thought. American cows could be raised in Mexico. Mexico is in South America. American does not necessarily mean United States of America. Any place in North America or South America could be considered American.
  12. I bet she's just tired. My girls were always like that after being boarded. They were exhausted and it took a few days for them to get enough sleep to be back to their normal state. ETA: I wouldn't worry about her weight. Mine always lose a little. They gain it back with no problem.
  13. I'm so sorry. Run free sweet Winnie.
  14. I'm sorry to hear Fiona isn't feeling well. Sending lots of positive thought for many more happy days together.
  15. Thank you everyone. She was a very special girl. I stopped by the vet's office to pay the final bill today (they don't make you stand there to pay on the way out after the final visit). It just happened to be 1 week almost to the minute since we walked out without her. That hit harder than I expected it to. We are adjusting to not having Heidi demand supper and whine for everything she wanted. Betty is very laid-back, doesn't demand anything and doesn't bark much. I never thought I would miss hearing Heidi whine! A couple of videos of Heidi that always make me smile: Talking with Daddy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fkQflDIixI We didn't have the yard fenced when we first got her. About a year later we put up some fencing so she could be off leash. This was her first time in her fenced yard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-pM9m0t7ic
  16. I didn't think I would be writing this for another 4 or more years, but here we are. At only 8 years old, she left much too soon. Heidi (Sendahl Eve) joined our family on 12/20/2008. She was a very shy, fearful pup who bordered on spooky. As our first dog, it was very hard bringing home a dog who wouldn't look at you or be in the room with you and was fearful of everything around her. I thought about returning her many times in the first few weeks. Thankfully DH and I are both stubborn and determined to make it work. It took almost 6 months for her to truly bond with us and want to spend time with us. From that time on she was OUR dog. She adored her Daddy and loved to snuggle with both of us. Loved her treats and seemed to take pride in learning to sit, down, paw, speak and whisper. Her fears of thunder, rain, wind, noise and strangers never went away, but we learned how to help her deal with them. In November 2011 she started with some vomiting and diarrhea. She didn't seem to ever be able to pull out of the diarrhea completely. Her proteins kept dropping for no identifiable reason. Over the past year and a half she went through ultrasounds, xrays and many different blood, urine and fecal tests and many other tests. The ultimate diagnosis was Lymphangiectasia with IBD. We tried different foods and medications which kept it under control for a year and a half. About three weeks ago she started to relapse and went downhill quickly. The weight melted off her and we weren't able to keep anything from going straight through her. She started with some neurological head trembles and wasn't able to hold her urine and bowels for very long. We tried bringing her to one more vet for a second opinion on everything, but knew we would be making a decision soon. Last Tuesday night she gave us the sign. On Wednesday morning she ate peanut butter, chew sticks, canned food and all her other favorite things she wasn't able to have for the past year. We said goodbye around noon. Life will never be the same. Some photos of our girl. Heidi in her ladybug jammies She loved anything that would let her GO FOR A RIDE! She loved to dig holes. In her Heidi hole.. Loved to play keep away with the toys (with her sister Betty) Had the softest floppy ears and LOVED to snuggle with her Daddy
  17. Betty came to us with a stubborn case of hookworms. We tried multiple rounds of Panacur and Dontral. Nine months later she still had them. My vet ended up calling IDEXX (the lab that does the testing) and speaking with the scientists there. They recommended doing 5 doses of Strongid three times with three weeks between each round. So we did 5 days of Strongid, waited 3 weeks, did another round of 5 days, waited three weeks and did the third round of 5 days. We then waited a few weeks and did a fecal recheck. Then did another fecal check a few months later just to be absolutely sure they were gone. I agree with looking into a different vet. You should feel heard when you voice concerns or suggestions. I hope you get your pup cleared up soon. I know how frustrating it can be.
  18. We are getting hit with the snow now. The mud was just starting to dry up in our fenced yard... not anymore. We adopted Heidi from Maine Greyhound Placement and adopted Betty from Animal Welfare Society in Kennebunk. Where did you adopt Andre from?
  19. Hi and welcome from another Mainer. I love the name Andre. What part of the state are you located in? We are in Buxton, just outside of Portland. We adopted our first girl Heidi (Sendahl Eve) in Dec 08 and added our second girl Betty (Nitro Ugly Betty) in Dec 10. They become very addictive!
  20. I would have done the same. He will heal. Heidi tore the webbing between a few toes this summer. The vet that I saw (same vet practice, but not her usual one) wanted to do anesthesia and stitching. I made the decision to go against her wishes and just keep it bandaged and clean. I don't do anesthesia unless there are no other options. It healed just fine. Wound management can be a pain in our behinds if you have a licker, but it can be done and is my preferred method if possible.
  21. Heidi at 70lbs can have 9mg 3x/day. I hope it helps with the weather.
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