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Everything posted by HeidisMum

  1. I dremel Heidi's nails. This link helped me a lot when I started using it on her. An almost empty peanut butter jar keeps her busy while I do it. I started by having her wear a muzzle and licking the pb jar while I did her nails, but now leave the muzzle off. I never thought I would get her to be comfortable with the dremel, but now she starts to drool thinking about peanut butter when she sees it.
  2. I just saw this on facebook. I'm so sorry. Run free sweet baby.
  3. HeidisMum

    Baby Boy

    I'm so sorry. Run free little one
  4. Great news! I hope Hero is resting at home now. Wishing him a speedy recovery. We hope to see him at the Portland playgroup soon.
  5. just wanted to say Hi to anyone that visits my profile- Hi!

  6. HeidisMum


    Run free sweet Venus.
  7. I taught Heidi how to do down. She picked it up within minutes. I took the treat and placed my hand on the floor between her front paws under her chest. She would follow the treat with her nose and then her body followed to the down position. She can do down on voice command now and is also super responsive to any hand gesture that looks like you are moving your hand toward the floor. That summed up Heidi completely.
  8. I sometimes wear as mask when I dremel Heidi's nails. I don't worry about the long term effects of nail dust, but have an allergy attack whenever I don't wear one.
  9. Sounds fine to me. I wouldn't worry about it if he isn't asking to go out during the night. When we first got Heidi I stressed about whether she missed the last trip out before bedtime. We quickly learned that she knows her bladder better than we do. We usually try to take Heidi out around 8-9pm and back out in the morning at 5:30 during the week and slightly later than that on the weekend. Sometimes she will ask to go out around 7pm. When that happens I will jingle her collar around 9pm and take her out if she wants to go, if she doesn't want to go out we don't force her. She doesn't seem to mind waiting until morning.
  10. I'm so sorry. Fly free sweet Blitzen.
  11. Welcome from Maine. You have a beautiful family.
  12. HeidisMum

    Angel Bear

    I'm so sorry for your loss
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