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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. It's also National Bagel Day, so Petunia says she would like a bagel and a shmear. And then maybe a Pizza Bagel to combine the celebration.
  2. Time4ANap


    Robin, I am so sorry. I'm one of the fortunate who got to meet this sweet boy at Dewey. Once again, I find myself with tears streaming for a dog who wasn't my own. We will miss Iker here. Iker, go find Rocket and the rest of the crew. They'll show you around. Run-free sweet boy.
  3. I wondered how they could be sure without the x-ray, but also figured if they did any they may not have been read yet. Hope he is feeling better soon.
  4. Wow. Not what you needed after the week you had already and working all night. Glad to hear that it sounds like Milo will recover. I'm a little surprised at the decision not to x-ray, but will assume they know what they are doing. Hope that Milo is back to his old self soon.
  5. I've never had a greyhound turn down a walk, ever. It's one of their favorite things, so I think you probably did fine by your first greyhound. I think finding the right dog is going to be the most important part of adopting a greyhound for you, so it would be wise to work with the group adoption coordinator and maybe even the kennel manager if they have one to find the right dog for this type of training. We have had a few members here over the years who had greyhound service dogs, but as far as i know most are not active on the site any longer. I've met really smart greyhounds, and I've met some who would have no interest in what you are asking of them, so it really will be all about matching you with the right hound. There are some trainers on the site who can chime in with their suggestions for what to look for in a hound and howto best accomplish the training. Good luck.
  6. This is how greyhounds play and why they are normally muzzled when greyhound playgroups get together. It is not bad or aggressive behavior on her part, but rather a dog doing what the the dog has been bred to do for hundreds of years. This is why you will see mostly negative remarks here about dog parks. Same concept, the other dogs aren't used to rough play, and those teeth will do some damage quickly. The easy answer is to avoid putting your dog in this situation with the smaller dog. The smaller dog is causing her prey drive to kick in, and someone is going to get hurt. Your dog could end up being labeled as aggressive when she isn't.
  7. This picture looks like every place I ever worked when we would all be on time for the meeting that the boss called, but we were still waiting for the boss who was always late to join us.
  8. Feel better soon, Peggy. It looks like you are recuperating in high style!
  9. You might already do this, but whenever we go to another house, even if the dog watered every bush on the way in, we make them go outside again after entering the house. This seems to give them some direction as to which door they need to go to if they need out and where to go (assuming a fenced yard) , and often it seems like the car ride generates a pretty healthy number 2 that they are ready for on arrival.
  10. I'll bet if you put out a plate of nachos Conner would get interested.
  11. We know several people who are using the oil from Urbal Activ for thunder phobic dogs as well as mobility issues. https://urbalactiv.com/products/pets.html Edited - took several tries to get the URL to work.
  12. Can you find all 7 in that last picture? it took me a minute or two but I finally found number 7. I have enough trouble when I have 3 here. I can't imagine 7, although the excitement level there appears to be similar to ours.
  13. I asked and they both said that they root for "whatever team is playing Dallas." Actually the New England Patriots and the LA Rams are playing.
  14. Petunia is excited for the big game! (It's a gray, rainy day in Phoenix) Trolley is adjusting her antennas to make sure we have a clear picture.
  15. I know we never experienced that side effect from it and don't remember any posts in the recent past with that issue. I did a couple of searches of the site and didn't come up with any other posts either. Probably best to consult the vet and hold off giving any more until you get an answer.
  16. Yup - we know it's bad if she asks for a Comment Card at checkout time. I am also happy to report that Trolley and Petunia went for their first walk together this morning and they were awesome together. Trolley even hung out with her for a few minutes when we got back before returning to the guest room to continue holding court with the peasants.
  17. We weren't really looking yet (isn't that how it always happens?) but we had decided a while back that we will always give an older dog a home if we possibly can after the time we spent with Allie. We still miss that little old lady like she was here just yesterday. Petunia stopped by for a visit (which was a setup if there ever was one ) and we knew within an hour she wasn't leaving. Not yet on the fries. She needs some practice getting in and out of the car, so we are saving a french fry run for one of those practices. So far she's not super interested in human food except for cheese.
  18. Kristie, I am so sorry that Summit had to leave. Having lost our "first hound best boy" in October, I am still too familiar with the raw pain of that sudden decision you weren't expecting to make. I am sitting here trying to type though tears. It feels like Summit grew up with all of us here on GT much like Rocket did. I absolutely loved his pics and videos over the years. Summit was a favorite of everyone here and we will all miss him. Your video and written tributes to him were beautiful. Run-free Summit. Go find your GT friends at The Bridge, they'll show you around.
  19. Happy Birthday, Andy! What a great day, a walk, acupuncture and a laser treatment! Now you just need a cheeseburger and some fries!
  20. You nailed the problem. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners. As others have said, sometimes early or late in the day you may be able to have the park to yourself. It really is sad as there is nothing more fun than seeing these hounds run and have a great time. Not sure where you are, but it may be time to make friends with someone who has a huge fenced yard or farm with a pasture, etc. When we lived in IL we were lucky that one of my friends had a huge fenced yard, probably close to an acre. Rocket loved going over there. Here in the desert a dog park would be our only other option, so that;s a no go for us as they are always full. Even though your dogs are a pair, you may still want to muzzle to avoid a nipping injury when you are able to let them run. Greyhound teeth plus thin skin can equal a nasty play injury.
  21. A new thread on the topic isn't an issue as everyone's circumstances are different. You are seeing basic pack behavior from a dog breed that has been used to hunt for hundreds of years. In their mind, they are playing. Greyhounds play rough with each other which is why muzzles are required at greyhound meetups and playgroups where dogs will be loose to play. Honestly, the dog park is best avoided in my opinion, but if you continue to go, find one with separate areas for small and large dogs. You don't want your dogs labeled or reported as being aggressive. It's not worth the headache.
  22. Paisley was doing what dogs do. If he doesn't get treatment for a bite (and from your description it sounds like a nip, so describe it as that if you need to) then you probably won't hear any more about it. If he does have it treated, then in most cases the medical facility will report the bite and you'll receive a visit from Animal Control. Rocket bit a friend who reached down to pet him while he was sleeping. She knew better, and just forgot that he would startle. She had to go to the doctor since it was a puncture to the hand, and the doctor, by law reported it to Animal Control. The AC Officer showed up a few days later, and since his shots were in order, restricted him to the house for 2 weeks. No leash walks, no trips outside the house anywhere. The alternative was that they could take him for 2 weeks and quarantine him. Once she heard what happened, she knew that he wasn't a threat and just ordered the home quarantine. I would be livid if this guy entered my apartment without knocking and announcing himself. He might even find himself held at gunpoint in my house if he wasn't expected to be there.
  23. Logan, you nailed that game! Great job! Not sure why your video didn't embed in the post. Normally just using the YouTube link like you did will make the video appear in the post. Might be a question for Jeff as to why it didn't happen.
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