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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Chikken and Donuts! Whots KNOT to like Misser Marc? Glad to see that Cletus had a good night and is having a productive Saturday. Rest up, buddy! (PeeeeS - I bet your Mom would put on the channel with the old westerns for you if you asked.)
  2. Did he use a little Binaca afterward so the others wouldn't smell the nuggets on his breath? So glad that Cletus is home and back to driving his sofa.
  3. Petunia and Kate backandforthed so hard that they fell asleep . I will let them know when they wake up.
  4. Cletus mah frend, I dont rite oftun cuz I dont want to show up muh dadddyman wif muh better spellin, but makin yoo miss brekfust is a bil bial vilashun ob da dopshun kontrakt. Call me & I ken freeway mah turney on da kall. Patoonia
  5. Never heard that but it certainly fits. She is the sweetest thing and definitely marches to her own drummer.
  6. We've dealt with every tummy issue known over the years and they can be frustrating. The Purina Pro Plan is normally a good food, but if there's an allergy or some other ingredient in it that her system doesn't like, it may be time for a change. If you vet did any blood work, post the results here and there are a few people who might be able to make suggestions. One of our dogs had stress colitis that appeared for no rhyme or reason at odd times, and that necessitated a food change every few months. Assuming that the problem isn't chicken, we always kept a case of Evanger's Organic Cooked Chicken canned food on hand. The dogs with tummy issues would eat that when they had squealing or upset tummies, and it usually put enough food in them to settle things out so they would eat breakfast a few hours later. You can also use that as part of bland diet combined with rice, scrambled eggs etc, but it is not a complete meal in the can. It is strictly bland, cooked chicken and nothing else, so not a food to switch to long term. Sometimes it does take a gastro vet specialist to figure out these tummy things. Also, what are you feeding as treats or chews? Some of those things will really throw a wrench in the tummy.
  7. Now that note I found in the Slumberball makes sense. Tell Jeter and Milo that Petunia and Kate thoroughly enjoyed their house party and they are looking forward to the next time you go away the next one.
  8. Haven't used it but have always had it in my mind if we needed to use a cone again. I think Cletus has short enough legs that it would probably keep him from being able to get his paws near the eye with that on. Also, he is going to want to know why you didn't install his new pillow sooner. Feel better soon, Cletus. We all love you!
  9. Hey Aiden, Buddy..... Don't look now, but your butt is blinking.....
  10. So sorry to hear this. Spoiling her rotten is also a good treatment but also goes without saying.
  11. We just did a little celebrating and introduced Kate to vanilla ice cream tonight (she's been battling hookworms and tummy gurgles since she arrived so ice cream has been a no-go). They each had their ice cream and went to bed! It must have been really good ! Odin, I will bring you your fries if we get to come to Dewey this year. Fingers are crossed here that Dewey happens and it is safe to travel!
  12. He adopted that hound a few years ago. The dog(s) go on his tour bus with him when traveling. I've seen the greyhound mentioned and pictured in a few articles.
  13. Greyhound limps can be from anything minor like a corn on a pad which is still painful for the hound, to osteosarcoma and a hundred conditions in between those two. If your hound doesn't normally limp from a previously known injury, every limp needs to be taken seriously and checked out by the vet again if it doesn't go away with the prescribed treatment. Many people tend to jump right to the conclusion of osteosarcoma when a dog starts to limp, and while that is actually the worst case scenario, it is the reason we take limping very seriously. There can still be a hundred other minor things causing the limp though. Let a professional find the reason for the limp. Sometimes it takes multiple appointments to locate the actual issue since the hounds can't tell us what what's hurting. Others here including GeorgeofNE can elaborate on their experiences, but don't let it scare you as many of us have dealt with serious medical issues because of having multiple dogs for years. There is a ton of great greyhound experience here.
  14. They aren't related, but Lila and Rocket had the same daddy, and Rocket apparently left very good detailed instructions here for the new kids.
  15. Kate turns 12 today. French fries are on the menu! Happy Birthday sweet girl!
  16. You should see the dirty look I get from Petunia if the toppers/mixers aren't done correctly.
  17. I've never heard of any of these things.......(yeah, right)..
  18. Irene and Len, I am so sorry your sweet girl had to leave so soon. Those Gable Dodge kids and grandkids have a way of becoming your heart dog really fast. Run-free Shine, and tell Rocket I said to give you the VIP Tour at The Bridge.
  19. Don't bathe her again until you've seen the vet about the issue. These dogs typically need a bath once a year or less unless they get into something. You will completely dry out her skin and cause itching, dandruff, irritation, etc. if you keep giving her multiple baths.
  20. Happy Birthday, Burdette! 11 is Awesome!
  21. Petunia gave us a look that would kill when we swapped out her old bed with a nice new one. The older and rattier they are, the more they like them. We still have 2 of Rocket's original beds from the farm supply store that were bought when he arrived in 2008. The covers are like new when you wash them, but the innards of every other worn out old bed have been stuffed in them over time. The girls think those are the best beds ever - right up there with the slumber balls.
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