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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Now for the really good news from Dewey - My bottle of limited availability Mellowdious Gin from Dogfish Head Distillery survived the trip home in my suitcase! DW and I made a two week trip out of going to Dewey and then spending some additional time at Mom's house near Baltimore and catching up with people we haven't seen in a few years. The flight home last night was delayed so it was a really long day, and somehow we had to buy an additional suitcase at Goodwill to bring home all of the stuff purchased at Dewey. Wait - we don't have any hounds at the moment - what did we need?
  2. Happy 12th Birthday, Sweep! We all love you! Rocket would say to tell you that ice cream is KNOT just for birthdays. Ice cream is every night at 8:15 PM sharp!
  3. It was great to see you again Irene, and awesome to see Len doing so well. I look forward to seeing you again soon. Hopefully we can get back to the beach before the next GRTB.
  4. We managed to catch up with several other GT folks but did not manage to meet everyone we intended to. Hopefully we get to see everyone again next year! I am not ready for this year's event to be over.
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run-free, Ernie.
  6. Spring Dewey usually happens every April but probably got derailed the last few times due to COVID. @Mercsmom I am staying near the Rehoboth Convention Center so am popping in and out of the event. I will PM my contact info to you. You can also ask Irene (Gt'er Houndtime) if I happen to be there when you are. She is vending in the far right back corner of the Convention Center. I need to meet the Merc Man!
  7. Based on the forecast I guess I am packing my raincoat. That should be insurance that it won't rain!
  8. Perfect. Rocket spent his whole life upside down unless he was eating. He would be impressed.
  9. The people across the street from us got an Aussie puppy 2 years ago. The puppy arrived within a few months of Petunia arriving here. Petunia met the puppy the first time when it was only a few months old. She went right into momma mode and they had a great meeting. It was a number of months before they saw each other again due to the summer heat. The next time they met, the puppy had become a wild child, and was not good at listening to anyone. We were standing outside talking with the owners, and none of us saw what actually transpired, but we did see Petunia flash a look at the puppy that made the puppy lay down and not move or pull on the leash again. We all busted out laughing. The neighbor's asked if they could borrow Petunia a minimum of 3 days a week.
  10. Awesome report. We are going to need extensive coverage of that birthday celebration.
  11. Here at Camp Brrodie we think they are awesome! Everything you described above is thereason, but most of all is the difference in personalities of each one. Petunia was the doting mother who knew where every puppy was at all times and was in control of EVERYTHING. In this house, I was her puppy. Kate, on the other hand, was the mother who sat around all day in her curlers and pink fizzy slippers, and would send her kids to the corner store for whiskey and cigarettes. We absolutely adored both of them and together they were awesome to be around. Even with the difference in personalities, they took care of each other first and always. It was always fun to see them doing little things for each other. Hopefully we will have more broodies in this house when we are ready for another hound.
  12. No problem. I've never noticed the turkey tendons that you asked about. As long as the necks remain raw they are fine. I wouldn't give a cooked neck as cooking can make those little bones brittle and sharp.
  13. There are usually a few people vending from hotel rooms and private homes/garages around Dewey as well. Check the E-Book for ads from some of those vendors showing their locaiton. The multiple locations thing goes back to the days of the original GRTB when some vendors operated from hotels and houses and the tradition carries on. Over the years, some have stuck with those locations from the old days, so it's kind of fun to ride around and go place to place in Dewey to find those vendors. The "official" GRTB event is at the Convention Center. The other locations are other groups of people doing their own thing but at the end of the day, regardlese of group affiliation - it's all about the hounds. Since it's your first year, take the dogs to the Ice Cream Social on Friday evening in Dewey at the Adams Oceanfront Hotel. It's always a great time and supports Nittany Greyhounds. If you see someone wearing this button with Rocket's picture on it - it's either me or DW. Say hi!
  14. Thanks Irene. I look forward to seeing you. We will be at the opening on Wednesday night. Our E-Booklet arrived last night so I have the Convention Center vendor info. Just had not seen any mention of the firehouse this year. As Miss Jan at CG says, "3 more sleeps" until we fly out.
  15. Has anyone heard if there will be vendors at the Fire Dept this year? I'm assuming there will be since it's pretty much a tradition, but just haven't seen it mentioned anywhere. I'm not on Facebook so if such info is posted there I wouldn't see it. Thanks.
  16. When a new dog arrives here we try to give them space and let them explore as they want. Most of them figure out that I'm a sucker and will give them whatever they want pretty quickly. Remember that your greyhound has never been a pet before and doesn't know how to be one. He's going to take his clues from you as to what he's allowed to do, what he's not allowed to do, and help with establishing his routine. These dogs are all about routine, so the more you can set a routine, the easier it will be for him to settle in. Congratulations on your new pup.
  17. Raw turkey necks or chicken feet are the most talked abuot treats here. We've had dogs that liked both and dogs who dropped them and never looked back. Usually can be found at the Asian markets and various other etnic grocery stores. The turkey necks often come frozen and can be a bear to thaw in a large package. You'll have an esoer time buying smaller quantity packages and thawing the necks as needed. Most of us have had an incident or two at some point with commercial dog treats. That being said, we occasionally give bully sticks but they have to be under close supervision, and taken away/traded up before you leave the room. The chew that has been really popular with every dog that has lived here or visited are the Yak Chews - aka Himalayan Yak Cheese. These tend to last a long time and are usually pricey. Deals can be found on Amazon and Groupon for them occasionally.
  18. Probably the Freedom No-Pull harness from 2 Hounds. https://2houndsdesign.com/product-category/shop-now/freedom-no-pull-harness/ I purchased this for Petunia who used to pull on walks and would also refuse to walk once she decided that she was done. With just a collar I was afraid of hurting her when things got a little stubborn. This harness was great and allowed me to get her moving again without injury. There are sizing instructions on the site. I only needed to use the harness with one leash connection. It is capable of 2 connections if you need them.
  19. I'm so sorry to hear about Ernie. No experience with this, but there is a long-running Osteo thread in the Health and Medical section here. Hopefully those posts will give you some answers until someone else responds. Sending good vibes to you and Ernie!
  20. Feel better soon, Jeter. We want to hear a story from your Mom soon where you are
  21. I'm so sorry for your loss. Rosie was such a gorgeous girl! Our boy Rocket also enjoyed a good prank and laughed all the time, so I totally get your description of that. Run-free, Rosie.
  22. Dick hasn't been here in quite a while. There was a thread where someone asked about him during the pandemic. Someone made contact with him and he was fine at that time. https://forum.greytalk.com/topic/326287-dick/?tab=comments#comment-6149575
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