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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. One of our neighbors has asked to borrow Petunia and now LaVida because they have mastered "the broodie look" with the neighbor's Aussie. One look from either and the Aussie would just do a sit.
  2. Mark would likely prefer that I chew it for him too. I am in love with LuLu!
  3. I'm hearing an old KFC jingle from TV that goes "Grab a bucket of chicken... It's finger-lickin good..." when I look at those pics.
  4. Can you be more specific? I don't understand the question.
  5. I'm sorry to see this. Spoil her rotten for all of us.
  6. Purina ProPlan Large Breed Chicken and Rice- $ 63 from Chewy for 34 lbs.. We recently thought that we may need a food change so I also have a bag of the ProPlan Salmon for Sensitive tummies. We didn't need the change so that one will get mixed in or used as a topper. We have Chewy setup for Autoship, but I usually bump up the shipment each time I open a new bag so that I have a backup bag here about a day later. I used to keep a couple of months worth on hand but it seems that when I do that someone stops eating whichever kibble I have stockpiled. We've used the ProPlan for a long time, but had a few little tummy things happen that made us wonder if the formula had changed. It all seems to be okay now, so I don't know if there was a temporary ingredient change, or if the dogs just had a stomach thing happening for a bit. We did find that we need to buy the Large Breed food for the larger kibble size, as both dogs tend to choke or gag on the smaller kibble size of the regular ProPlan. (Same food - just smaller kibble size)
  7. Most/many Florida groups disbanded when the tracks closed and there were no more hounds to pull from. Similar to the other states where the tracks have closed.
  8. If you can find one now, snap her up. We will take in any broodie at any time. We had a blast with our senior broodies but they were not here anywhere near long enough. They are in-charge, highly opinionated and you never know from one minute to the next what they will do. Petunia was the "fun police." Kate was the reason that Petunia was the fun police. To compare our broodie experience: Chris always said that Petunia was the doting mother who knew every move that every one of her pups made at all times and didn't tolerate any of ther puppy antics without correcting them. Kate still had her curlers in at 3PM and sent her pups to the corner store for whiskey and cigarettes.
  9. I wondered about that too. As long as it's working and the area under her tail gets to heal, I'm okay with whatever worked. We've seen a few weird reactions over the years with some meds, so I'm always pretty careful about trying new ones. For allergy meds we've had pretty good luck with Benadryl and Chlor-Trimeton, but that reaction to the Zyrtec was a little scary, so I always try the others before trying Zyrtec. No different than humans reacting to meds - it's a little different for each of us.
  10. The Benadryl seems to have taken care of whatever the issue is. We are at almost 24 hours later and she has not licked her tail once. We have only given the one Benadryl so I fully expected the licking to start back up during the night, but it didn't. She and Mark go out every morning and lay on the turf in the back yard which is full of dust and pollen etc., so I'm hoping that this is just an environmental thing that we can deal with. There's no really good way to clean the artifical turf except to hose it down. EDITED TO ADD: The one time we used Zyrtec the dog became hype and agitated for most of the day. I can't remember which dog it was but I'm thinking it was Rocket. The vet wanted us to try Zyrtec for whatever was going on at the time, and he did not have a good day at all after taking it. I have been reluctant to try it again with the other dogs, so usually just start with Benadryl and go from there. No changes on our end at all except that we added Olewo carrots to firm things up. The licking was an issue before we added the carrots so I don't think they are a factor. For whatever reason, one Benadryl tablet has stopped the licking for almost 24 hours. It could be something she is picking up on the grass outside when she sun bathes, but given the location, I was thinking possible food allergytoo, but knew that we hadn't made any significant changes. She is eating Purina Pro Plan Large Breed which is the food she's had since she arrived. Same treats as well. Thanks for all of the responses.
  11. We brought this up at her recent vet visit and they did express the anal glands. There was virtually nothing. The vet seemed to think it was just some sort of irritation. The licking has gotten more intense the past few days but there's been nothing new to pin it on. The area is very clean, not stinky at all. Benadryl tablet seems to have helped today. The vet turned LaVida over to the vet tech when it was time for that on our recent visit. That didn't seem to be the issue. I gave her a Benadryl tablet this morning when the licking got ridiculous. She has stopped licking. She doesn't appear to be groggy and hasn't fallen asleep, so maybe we are on to something with an allergy of some kind. We will see how long it lasts before the licking starts back up and go from there. I'm hoping that if we can deter the licking for a few days, the irritated area will have a chence to heal and not be so inflamed looking. Thanks. I thought about wrapping it but wasn't sure that I should. Will keep the spray in mind. Thanks.
  12. LaVida has had an issue for a while now where she licks around the base of her tail, right where it hangs over her butt. Obviously it's itching or irritated. The vet had us clean the area with Witch Hazel to help eliminate the irritation. Results are minimal. We have also tried using Bag Balm to soothe it, and she pretty much just licks it off. This morning the licking is constant. I just gave her a Benadryl to see if that helps. So far it is not infected, but I fear it will be if she keeps licking. The underside is very pink from her licking. Any thoughts on another cream or gel to try to calm this down? I figured that if the Benadryl works this is going to be some kind of allergy. We will likely head back to the vet if that's the case, but wanted to see if anyone has used something that worked to heal the area and stopped the licking. Thanks.
  13. This thread is reminding me of the time that Donnie the dog lost his balls.
  14. Not sure on the behavior but it does sound like the small dog is getting her worked up. Now that you know she can slip out of the collar, I would switch to a harness ASAP. We like the Freedom No Pull Harness from 2Hounds Design. The owner of 2Hounds is a member here although I'm not aware if she still has greyhounds or not. We have always had great service and great products from them. Also, the harness has the option of using 2 attachment points if you want to double leash or use a double ended leash for extra security.
  15. That's W for well hung. It's a medical term. All the vets are using it.
  16. No fertilizer in it. We fight the battle of Mark and LaVida both trying to eat the fertilizer when I feed the shrubs and the palm trees. Apparently, Holly Tone is delicious.
  17. She is channeling Petunia. Petunia had a killing session every night before dinner, usually starting at exactly one hour before dinner was served. The longer dinner took, the harder Petunia flung the toys. She is like Petunia in so many ways that we have both accidentally called her Petunia several times. There is no record of LaVida having pups, but she was definitely raised around broodies, as she is a broodie in every possible way. If nothing else, she is an honorary broodie.
  18. We have a raised planter alongside the house that is made of concrete and stucco. At this time of year, the summer heat makes it pretty warm for the plants, so we add a few bags of mulch to help keep the moisture in the planter. LaVida has decided that mulch is a wonderful prize. Each night she sneaks around to the side when she thinks we aren't looking, and comes back with a chunk of mulch hanging out of her mouth. She has even turned her head away so that we can't see the mulch in her mouth. She's not trying to eat it, she just thinks of it as scoring a prize while she's outside. No pictures yet, it's usually on the last turnout of the night and I haven't had my phone handy when it happens.
  19. Mark often does a 3AM sing along. Maybe we can get them on Zoom together and they can entertain each other. That's his "damnit name."
  20. Harry. I've always wanted a dog named Harry, but we have never changed a name when a dog arrived. I just think there's something about a big brindle boy named Harry that I like.
  21. You made me realize that the only hound we chose was Rocket. He was our first. The others all arrived here as part of some circumstance or the other and never left. A couple of them were only here for a few weeks which was not easy, but their final weeks were spent happy and spoiled rotten. I miss every one of them like they were here for years, whether they were or not.
  22. THUD! It looks like he chatters too! There were a few little chatters when he was playing with the toy. Our last 3 hounds including Mark and LaVida ended up here after their owners passed away suddenly. We know that LaVida was in the house with her owner for at least a day or two after she passed away, but even with that she settled in immediately when she arrived and acts like she has always been here. Welcome home, buddy. Let us know when you have a name! (I can see why you don't want to be calling him and yell "Gun." ) Sweep did an awesome job!
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