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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. As others have said, if he's still eating it all and otherwise good, it is most likely the heat or just a change in habits. We've been through this with several of our hounds although they usually do this when older. Our boy Mark has started eating on a very leisurely schedule - basically when he feels like getting aorund to it. No reason other than he can. Good luck.
  2. Zoey is actually a Weimaraner who lives on the next street. She has been besties with every greyhound we've had. We made her an honorary greyhound years ago. Zoey would come to our front door and bark to let me know she was there, just in case I wanted to bring her a Milk Bone. She also trained some other neighbors, and when their garage door was up, she would enter the garage, bark, and wait for them to open the kitchen door. She would then go to their treat jar and wait to be served. We first met Zoey 9 years ago while Rocket and I were out for a walk in our new AZ neighborhood. Both of them wagged their tails at each other and as we met our new neighbors, the dogs hit it off. As Zoey walked away to head home, she turned her head and watched Rocket the whole way until she disappeared around the corner to go to her house. Even her owner was laughing and said "I think Zoey has a crush." Rocket and Zoey were always ecstatic to see each other and would hang out with each other patiently while the humans stood there and talked. They would also walk together when the timing of our walks was right. Petunia was also good friends with Zoey. Each of our dogs got to know Zoey and would pull to go and see her if we were out for a walk. Today I had a phone call from Zoey's mom asking if I could help get her into the car to go to the E-Vet. When I got there, Zoey was having a seizure. She continued to seize during the ride. Based on her medical history and age, her Mom knew that it was time to make the decision that none of us want to make. She passed peacefully with her Mom and I petting her. Her dad is on a trip overseas, but was able to be there on Facetime and talk to his girl. That was rough. Run-free, Zoey. I'm sure that Rocket and Petunia will be there show you around.
  3. At least not for now. (Or until the group calls and says they need a "temporary" foster, but we are full up. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)
  4. I must have never noticed the velvet if ours had it, so I guess Petunia wasn't bothered by it. Her harness is here somewhere, but we haven't needed it for LaVida, so I will check it out the next time I see it. Thanks.
  5. HOOKWORM UPDATE! - - MARK AND LAVIDA ARE BOTH NEGATIVE!!!! Mark has been negative for a few months. This is a great sign. LaVida had a mild case at her Vet Check in January, but we never were told the egg count (adoption group vet so info was third-hand.) We will retest both of them in about 90 days just to be sure the critters are gone for sure. Each was on the modified prison protocol for several months, but other than positive tests neither showed any symptoms of hooks - routine vet checks were the only reason for checking.
  6. I didn't like using 2 leads on the harness but it was capable of doing so if you needed that kind of control. We tried that and found that we didn't need it. That 2 Hounds harness also has a center attachment point that lets you use only one lead instead of 2 if you choose. That was all we needed. I don't recall any velvet on it either. I'm pretty sure it was a soft nylon webbing on both sides.
  7. Anytime something starts growing like that we will get it checked out. Most of the time it's nothing major but I would rather be cautious and catch it early. Let us know what it is when you find out.
  8. Will secod this harness if you decide that you need one. Petunia would often statue on walks and we switched to a harness for better control and to avoid any potential injury that might occur when she got stubborn with a martingale on. The 2Hounds harness was awesome and I could control her whole body as a unit instead of only having control at her neck.
  9. I can't say that we've a greyhound who chewed anything. More like inhaled.
  10. My experience with spray cheese was with Rocket. We had gone to the vet clinic at the university and for whatever was going on, the vet wanted a round of panacur just in case there was something lurking. They only had liquid panacur available. There was no way he was going to let me squirt a syringe full into his mouth without losing a finger or two. Each day I made him a "Squirty Cheese Sammich" by injecting the panacur into a hawaiian roll, and using squirty cheese as the filling for the sandwich. Once the panacur dose was over with, he badgered me for weeks at the same time every day because he wanted his sandwich.
  11. https://www.newsweek.com/dog-hack-cool-heatwave-greyhound-ice-1724921
  12. We use Velveeta slices. For those larger pills like Drontal or the pills where they seem to be able to detect the flavor, we wrap it twice and make them a nice big cheese ball. Petunia was the master of spitting out the pill so we learned quickly that we had to watch her and make sure she didn't deposit it under a bed. Squirty cheese in the can is also good but a little messy to deal with. Fingers crossed here. We dropped off fecal samples yesterday for Mark and LaVida. Mark had his first negative at the last vet visit so we treated for another few months to be sure that we got them. LaVida had a mild case with no real symptoms. Hoping for 2 negative reports on Monday.
  13. That worked! Looks like the fries were a hit! That's awesome. I think LaVida would likely be good at nose work. That sniffer is always checking something out.
  14. This is awesome! Thank you for taking this boy in. I would leave the crate up and open while you are doing the alone training. since you will be slowly increasing the amount of time you're gone. You don't want to come home to find that you need to buy a new mattress at 10PM on a Saturday night because the current one is in shreds. We always had a crate setup for Rocket in our other house just in case he felt like he needed that space if we were goine for an hour or two. He usually only used it when there was a good sunbeam coming through that window, but the option was always there for him if he needed it. We are going to need to see more pictures of this boy as he settles in.
  15. We decided that Mark and LaVida can't have fries until the weekend. We have to take a fecal sample in to the vet tomorrow for both of them, so figured that giving them fries the day before might not be the best idea. Will post some pics when they get theirs.
  16. Google Drive says I need permission to view files on this drive. If you don't get it to work , let me know and I can post it for you.
  17. Billo's Best Friend, Beg and Barker, and Green Coast Pets. I don't recognize these brands so they may be regional or store brands. https://www.wcia.com/news/national/dog-treats-recalled-due-to-possible-salmonella/
  18. Happy Birthday Opal! You are gorgeous!
  19. Annie and Punkin Mark and LaVida are still sleeping off their breakfast so fries will be later. Mark says he needs to rest up for the event.
  20. Rocket, DW and I followed that McD's truck on I-70 in Missouri during our move to AZ. We had to snap that picture for him.
  21. One of our neighbors has asked to borrow Petunia and now LaVida because they have mastered "the broodie look" with the neighbor's Aussie. One look from either and the Aussie would just do a sit.
  22. Mark would likely prefer that I chew it for him too. I am in love with LuLu!
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