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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Keeping fingers crossed for you and Zuri. I've always just emailed Dr. Couto directly.
  2. My Loca was supposed to be cat safe, but instead she tried to kill my cat. Whenever I wasn't home, I kept her muzzled and separated from the cat. Whenever j was home, she was attached to my waste with her leash, and I monitored her every action. I praised when she ignored the cat, and corrected when she didn't. It took about 1.5 months of constant, consistent work, she eventually she and Linus (who was already used to dogs) became great friends.
  3. Today is three years since I lost my beautiful Treasure to osteo. I miss her so much.
  4. Try letting her out of the crate. She probably doesn't need to be in it, and is letting you know. My guys are never crated.
  5. Don't beat yourself up. You did the best you could with the information you had to work with. The important thing is that he's all fixed now, and that you did your best to make sure he received the best care possible. Glad he's home.
  6. I'm afraid that's it's not always easy to identify. All three of my greyhounds didn't show anything for the first set of X-rays. Hopefully somebody with more knowledge than me will add to this.
  7. I remember reading about them when Michael McCann first posted about them. I'm so happy that they ended up with you! Congratulations!
  8. Im so glad he's coming home. Tramadol caused awful agitation with Phoenix, and it's very scary because I couldn't tell if it was pain or side effects of the meds.
  9. Seems like Zuni has been part of this board forever. I'm so very sorry.
  10. robinw

    Soulman And Zoedq

    Oh no, Amber! My heart is breaking for you. I'm so very, very sorry.
  11. My Iker will shake like crazy for no apparent reason. I can never detect a reason. He's doing it now. The shaking seems to be concentrated on the front half of his body. It can be so severe that I can hear his teeth chatter. I've been wondering if it's possible that he could have suffered neurological damage, as he survived hanging (he's a Galgo). My vet is unconcerned. Does anybody have any thoughts or comments? Thanks.
  12. robinw

    Yopon Alan Wag

    Alan was very special, Susan.
  13. robinw

    Yopon Alan Wag

    Susan, I miss both you and Alan. Melissa's Buddy, Loca and Alan all passed away at around the same time. I think about both of you often.
  14. Definitely worth a huge celebration!
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