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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Iker wouldn't eat his so I "force fed" it because I didn't have anything to wrap it it. Besides, he's smart enough to eat around the pill, then spit it out. Xavi scarfed it right up.
  2. My vet just gave me Bravecto for my dogs. We don't have a huge tick and flea problem where I live, but I visit my mom in Maryland several times a year. mgodwin, thank you for your post.
  3. Relax and give him time. He's still adjusting to you and his new home. He will try cushions when he feels comfortable.
  4. He may just be too nervous and excited outside to both so commands and take treats. Like KickReturn, I only teach the stuff that really matters' like stay and drop it. Obedience school has always been a wash because they seem to get bored midway through the class.
  5. I've also seen them climb 6' fences to visit their friends; not jump but climb. Then again, I've seen galgos do the same.
  6. I had it done with Xavi last year at GIG. They were very gentle. Having said that, I took him to the vet last week and he still needs a dental, so it really didn't make any difference.
  7. Now is a good time to ask questions. I'm sure Rain is happy to answer them.
  8. My galgos were all tested for diseases before they came to Canada, including Heartworm. They big concern is leishmaniasis, which can show up later. I know some people who have had to deal with it, but I haven't. My guys have been very healthy and hearty. One thing, many of these dogs were street dogs, so they might have some strange habits. They can also be real escape artists. I use heavy duty non escape harnesses for my galgos, and would do the same if I had a pod. Anyway, they crack me up. You see pictures of them standing on all kinds of furniture, like counters and table tops.
  9. I don't live with a podenco, but I have a lot of experience with them and I live with two galgos. They are more active than greyhounds, more curious and are very silly. They can also jump VERY high! They'd don't usually have the space issues that greyhounds often have and they are used to sleeping in piles, so they are great snugglers. Re: fence; when I adopted my galgos I had a 4.5" fence and thought it was fine. I couldn't understand why some groups required a 6' fence. Then I saw one of my galgos jump 6' into a tree to go after a squirrel, and replaced my fence with a six footer that weekend. Even now, I don't like to leave them unsupervised because I'm sure they'd could jump the 6' fence with motivation. My understanding is that pods are even better jumpers than galgos. My galgos do better in dog parks than my greyhounds did because galgos (and pods) have been exposed to all kinds of dogs. They play more like normal dogs, and I understand it's the same with pods. Personally I wouldn't hesitate to adopt one, despite their higher energy level. I'm going to send the link to this thread to GreyhoundPoet, as she has both and could give you more information than I can. GreyHoundPoet can't receive messages. Can anybody contact her?
  10. Iker has a huge scar around his neck. It gets red and flaky this time of year. I have tried several remedies, and the best seem to be coconut oil and vitamin E. Bag balm also works well. My vet gave me cortisone cream, but I don't like it as much as the treatments I mentioned above. For us, the trick seems to be to keep it moisturized.
  11. I'm so sorry. I always loved your pictures of Mary and Fencetop.
  12. I'm so sorry, Mary Pat. That must've been so devastating.
  13. How bout putting a muzzle on your dog when you walk back there. I understand that their dogs are doing the attacking, but you need to. Protect your dog from doing something which may get you and Trace in trouble. You can't change what your neighbours do so all you can do is try to keep Trace from hurting one of their dogs! Even if they are at fault. I've been where you are and it's scary.
  14. robinw

    Duffy Doyle

    Oh no! Duffy looked like such a sweetheart. Please give Bev and Marc my condolences.
  15. Here's some links that may be able to help you. The first is for the Pet Grief Counseling Hotline at University of Guelph http://ovc.uoguelph.ca/petloss The second is a list of resources. It also lists resources outside of Canada. http://www.pet-loss.net/resources/Canada.shtml
  16. I'm so very sorry. I think all you can do is give yourself the time you need to grieve. You've just lost a family member; its normal to feel the way you are feeling. Don't feel pressured to do anything you're not ready to do. Sometimes it takes time to be ready to adopt again.
  17. I'm so sorry. I've been there three times. It's such a painful disease. You are giving her a huge gift...the end of pain.
  18. I'm so sorry, Paula. He was very special.
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